Alpha Cone vs. Super Marin w/RDII


New member
Money not being the primary concern, are there any substantial differences that should make me lean toward one or the other? I'm looking at the 250 models of both lines. I have a 270gal display, 55gal refugium, 60gal sump (1/2 full). Light to moderate fish load w/mixed softy and sps.

Currently running a Octo Extreme 350 - ATB purple pinwheels.
Nice skimmer, just a little louder than I prefer after having a Octo Pro w/Laguna 1500 pump.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Jeff,

The Alpha 250 is really more comparable to the SM 200, instead of the 250. The SM250 with the RDII is also going to be a lot more controllable versus any skimmer without a controllable pump, just due to the fact that the variable water throughput as well as air intake let's you fine tune the unit.

I think either way you go you will make an improvement over what you have now, however I would personally lean more towards the RDII powered Super Marin line over the Alpha as long as price is not an issue.
Jeremy, in my search for a skimmer upgrade I've been very curious as well about the SM200 RDII vs Alpha 170/K2/840. I realize that's not apples to apples, I've only considered the SM b/c I'd like to have a skimmer that suits my tank upgrade in a year or so and I thought perhaps the pump variability may allow me to 'over-size' with this skimmer. I have a smaller setup than JJFly, a 120 w/ 40 gallon sump. However, I have a moderate to heavy stocked tank; 19 fish(3 of which are big eaters/poopers), SPS/LPS, feed generously, and carbon dose.

I'm aware of the more accurate sizing recommendations Bubble King uses and how that caused some troubles for folks with the Alphas. My concern is the ratio of air/water draw to neck size when turning the pump back a bit. Have you used one of these in your store, and any chance you'll throw it in your competitions you're running?


I have ran a 250 with RDII on it, and it worked out really well. I most likely will not be running a 200 RDII anytime soon as the demand is high right now and supply is low, so everything has been going right back out the door.

The 200 is still going to be way ahead of the others you're comparing to. The Alpha 170, K2, and 840 are not going to come close to the SM 200, and that's even more expressed with using the RDII on it. The SM 200 with the regular RDI pump is comparable to the Alpha 250 to give you an idea.

A better comparison to make to the Alpha 170, K2, and 840 would be the Bubble King Mini 180 and Mini 200.

Thanks for the reply Jeremy, I understand that the SM200 is a different animal from those other skimmers. My main concern is if I was to go with the Supermarin with the thought I'll be upgrading my tank at some point, is it possibly going to be oversized for my current setup? If it is another couple years till my tank upgrade, I'd hate to have a really nice skimmer that just cannot skim effectively on a smaller load. Does having this variable pump on the RDII help to make this skimmer more effective on smaller bio loads, or is the body/neck possibly going to be too big to sustain a consistent foam head?

It does sound like for a larger system, you have experienced greater satisfaction with the Supermarins over comparable sized Alpha 250. I understand every system is going to work differently with every skimmer (for better or worse) and there's no absolute answers, I just want to get your thoughts on my current smaller tank described in my first post.

Thank you
Hi Rick,

Without knowing your bioload you have ont he tank it's really hard to say. With Bubble King it's better to be conservative, and not go larger. At the most I would go with the RDII powered SM200 on your setup. Anything larger than that is probably not going to work out all that well.

You might also seriously consider the RDI or RDII powered Deluxe 200 Internal.

I have a large 18" x 20" baffled area in the sump so water level stays consistent. I guess the Supermarin 250 with RDII is the way to go. Just concerned, Is too much based on the size of my system?