There is little doubt in my mind that from the moment one first enters this tumultuous, although somewhat cathartic hobby, they will be able to accurately predict the hand that fate will deal to them. Let alone, that someone could possibly have the slightest inkling as to the unexpected aquatic ups and downs that they are destined to experience along the way. Truth be told, we probably stand a better chance of obtaining the five winning lottery numbers than we do accurately predicting the road we’ll be traveling after just a few short years into the hobby.
That’s just the way it is. Because as much as we like to think we know where we might be headed, life just has this uncanny way of throwing out curve balls, if for no other reason, than to ensure we aren’t becoming overly complacent in our daily routine.
The reality of it all is that our lives are forever evolving. Homes are bought and sold, employment changes, priorities (and sometimes marriages) come and go, and what was good yesterday, is suddenly not so good today. Or, what was exciting just a year before, has slowly begun to feel somewhat mundane. Especially so, if you are like me and enjoy the excitement of seeing a project come to fruition just a tad bit more than you do the longevity of the finished product.
So given this recent revelation I guess it shouldn't really be any great surprise that just when I'm on the verge of going from a family of one, to a family of five, with a house that is buried in a quagmire of dust from an ongoing remodel, and with a checkbook that has a six mile umbilical cord connected directly to Home Depot, I’ve come full circle yet again and am knee deep in the task of setting up another tank.
The surprising part is this wasn’t a decision that had been contemplated for any real significant amount of time. No, nothing of the sorts. At least not in the manner I had planned any tank previous. Because in all honesty, I already had what I considered to be my very own dream tank. A tank that even before it came into being had occupied a sweet spot in the back of my mind for a very long time. A tank that I had fantasized about some day owning.
And as the years went by I worked, I saved, and one day I was lucky enough to actually turn that dream into a reality.
And life was good.
That’s just the way it is. Because as much as we like to think we know where we might be headed, life just has this uncanny way of throwing out curve balls, if for no other reason, than to ensure we aren’t becoming overly complacent in our daily routine.
The reality of it all is that our lives are forever evolving. Homes are bought and sold, employment changes, priorities (and sometimes marriages) come and go, and what was good yesterday, is suddenly not so good today. Or, what was exciting just a year before, has slowly begun to feel somewhat mundane. Especially so, if you are like me and enjoy the excitement of seeing a project come to fruition just a tad bit more than you do the longevity of the finished product.
So given this recent revelation I guess it shouldn't really be any great surprise that just when I'm on the verge of going from a family of one, to a family of five, with a house that is buried in a quagmire of dust from an ongoing remodel, and with a checkbook that has a six mile umbilical cord connected directly to Home Depot, I’ve come full circle yet again and am knee deep in the task of setting up another tank.
The surprising part is this wasn’t a decision that had been contemplated for any real significant amount of time. No, nothing of the sorts. At least not in the manner I had planned any tank previous. Because in all honesty, I already had what I considered to be my very own dream tank. A tank that even before it came into being had occupied a sweet spot in the back of my mind for a very long time. A tank that I had fantasized about some day owning.
And as the years went by I worked, I saved, and one day I was lucky enough to actually turn that dream into a reality.
And life was good.