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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7027308#post7027308 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ufchristyb
Hey Doug,
Glad to hear things are going well. How did you seal off your tank to do the flooring? Our wood floor was water damaged in the hurricane, and I've given up on the idea of repairing it because of the tank. At the same time, I don't really want to do a whole floor replacement, although tile would probably be a better idea given the tank and all.
The reef room has it's own door from the garage and a window to the outside. We have a separate fan in the room also that has been running non-stop since Sunday. From the inside, I pulled the trim piece off the wall because I had been planning to redo it and taped off what little bit of gap we have between the walls and tank. We already had the round weather stripping wedged between the wall and tank so the tape was more of an insurance policy.
One of the guys from the flooring company was out today to look at the damage they caused to the cabinets and was captivated by the tank. My wife said he spent about 3 minutes looking at the cabinet doors they will be replacing and 20 minutes looking at the tank. He was VERY surprised we didn't have any problems and is convinced he needs an in-wall tank instead of the 120g free standing he has been planning.
Our fish are well. The purple tang either still has some ich cysts, or just some skin damage from the ich, and I think that the yellow's HLLE is actually getting a little better, and her color is way improved. I can't wait to put her in the reef tank - she will be looking fabulous in no time.
By the way, regarding your tang and his eating habits, I've noticed with ours that the more greens they eat, the deeper their color. Our achilles has gotten at least two shades darker since we've put him in the main tank and I think its because of all the algae he's eating.
If the scum on the inside of your tank gets thick enough, you will likely start to see little fishy lip marks in it. When ours gets really bad in the QT, we use one of those magnet cleaners.
Keep us posted
The fish (no names yet ) looks to be doing well. In the mornings and evenings when people aren't around, he is nice and dark with outstanding coloring in the highlights. It's just when I'm working around the tank that he looks like a Naso. I've been putting a full strip of Nori in the tank every morning, but I'm not sure how much he actually eats. When it comes to frozen, he is very particular and snubs formula 2, flake, and about anything other than brine. Some times he will eat mysis, but prefers the brine.
Day 11:
The water change last night went well and after looking at the mess in the tank tonight, I siphoned off another 3-4 gallons. I started the feeding tonight with flake and it really made him mad. He spit everything out and swam around the tank vigorously until I brought over some frozen brine. He need to get used to a more varied diet as we get closer to inclusion in the main tank.
Temp: 79.8Ã"šÃ‚°F
Sg: 1.009
pH: 8.26
NH3: Negligible
NO2: Negligible
NO3: Negligible
No signs of Ich or anything else for now...