ANCHOR needs a Host for September .


Premium Member
Because of other pressing matters Kiransreef will be unable to host the September ANCHOR meeting .

I know it's short notice , but I need to ask , if someone would be willing to volunteer to host the September ANCHOR meeting .

i'll reply, but i don't have anything good to say. I have too work everysaturday this month. Football season is here, and it's directv's busiest time. I should be able to host in nov. or dec,,,,,
I might be interested, if my wife will agree.. :) My tank is in a sort of flux right now, with having had a major meltdown a couple of months ago and about to be upgrading to a bigger tank..

At worst, if my tank gets finished at FAOIS, we could have an aquascaping party.. :)


Unfortunately we have travel plans in both Sept and Oct that wipe out a couple of weekends in each of those months. And we will probably try and fit in a dive or two in the weekends we are home. Will try and host another meeting later in the year or early in 2009.

looks like Sept is a busy month - how about scouting around for an October host - nothing wrong with skipping a month if it gets members motivated to gather extra supplies and frags for each other.

Earnie and I could host an upcoming meeting at his school (on the water) but figured that since we are the furthest north it would be better to wait until a few more meetings have gone by before asking everyone to drive up this way again :)
