Here is to the road to recovery!
I have had no time to take care of the tank other than top off and toss some food in when I thought about it. Life is more important than this hobby and that was one of the areas I thought about when I started this tank. It amazes me that so many are chained to their tanks and I have read on more than one occasion, the tank owner not going on vacation etc. in fear that the tank would be a wasteland upon returning home. Sadly, this has been the case on more than one occasion. If my tank crashed today I would be upset
Can the tank survive periods of neglect?
What would the condition of the tank be after this timeframe?
The answer to the first question is obviously a yes it can survive and the answer to the second one is it came out ok, there is additional algae in the display and my polyps have retracted (I think I have an answer to why and if things improve I will explain). I have not lost any but I would have to say they have looked better. I have not conducted a count yet but overall it looks like they are all hanging in there.
Yesterday I made new salt water, cleaned the power head, front glass and the new ATS for the first time, removed a sponge I was using, and gave everything a closer look.
I will do a full WC tonight, replace the GAC, and will address anything that I come across including the possibility of fragging again. I will have to dose H2O2 again in a few areas also but this is easy enough with a drained tank. Again I am not trying for a sterile environment rather I am trying to maintain a healthy one.
I may break out the skimmer again just to see if I can get ahead of water quality issues and for the heck of it.
Here is a picture of the ATS before cleaning. It had a very nice aromatic low tide smell to it. Again it simply sits at the water’s surface in the aqua clear and is lit by the par 38 bulb. That was a pretty good first growth effort (middle of July).
Thanks and please enjoy your tank.