And so it begins

Thank you Mooch.

I wondered if you had left for good.

Hey how did the marathon(s) go? You were training right?

At Thanksgiving my wife told me there was a half marathon on the 17 and I ran it on the 20.

I did not train at all for it. I just decided to see if I could do it. I cannot imagine going twice that distance though I would like to try one day.

10 miles was not bad but by mile 11 things started getting tight and by mile 12 the pain set in.
I took some photos and finally downloaded them.

top down:


during a water change:




During a WC FTS:


Spreading on my rock this is my largest frag:


If you look below the intake tube for the AC I am hoping that the CA is going to plate.

Coup thanks for stopping by.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable reefing year and that next year will be better than this one.

Here is the December count taken on 12.27.11 with November values in parentheses:

Left wall (26) 35
Top off (9) 12
Left rock, upper left side (88) 97
Left rock, upper right side (101) 125
Left rock lower left side (15) 29
Left floor (40) 48
Shell (5) 5
Center floor (25) 40
Right rock (36) 47
Powerhead (12) 13

Total count of the original frags: (357) 451
Change for the month: +94

Back floor (15) 20
Right wall (5) 5
Rock (3) 5

Total for all polyps: (380) 481
Change for the month: +101

1. I had no losses for the month (that I can tell).
2. Of the 13 frags, 2 of them had no change in polyp counts. Both the shell and right wall are at 5 again. The polyps are healthy but I attribute this no growth situation because of lower light levels. These two get the least amount of direct light. To help I have been moving my light back and forth throughout the night whenever I walk by my tank. By changing angles it also provides the other polyps a chance for full to partial sun throughout the evening. I can see the stalks elongate or retract based upon where the light is positioned.
3. The most interesting observation of the month is the growth pattern of one of the frags, the right rock one that increased from 88 to 97 during the month. What makes this one interesting is most other growth has been in a block or phalanx pattern (new polyp right next to an older one) but this time the frag made an island growth pattern with the mat connecting the two. The mat extended past the frag edge by half an inch or so and then polyps started growing there vs. having a continuous line of polyps. I saw this after I used a chopstick to brush the heads so they would retract and I could get a better count. You can see the pattern in the second picture of post #162.
4. I had a small outbreak of GHA on the shell and I spot treated it with H2O2 and it is now dead and the polyps are fine. Thanks Brandon.

Lastly, I am beginning to wonder what will happen when the two largest frags begin to touch one another. Will they "œrecognize" one another and finally join to form an even larger frag or will there be any issues?
It being a holiday and this being my 2600 post (that counts) on RC I figured I would ramble on some. Back at the beginning of the build I talked about looking around for inspiration and just never knowing where or when it would come. Last weekend I was with one of my sons snow tubing and piled up on the side was some snow that had melted and formed some interesting shapes. I looked closer and one of the mounds caught my eye:


I realize it is hard to see because I was walking while I took the photo so the next group could go but it reminded me of the rockwork in my tank. Long story short if you are having issues with your rock work look around and you maybe surprised with what you find. Ever look at rock pictures from the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico?

Also I noticed that for the last month things seem to be drab for a better word. Nothing has been wrong per se but you can just tell. I think I have begun that next phase of a tank that starts to get little issues here and there. I have been getting green hair algae popping up on a few areas and I have been treating with H2O2 as discussed in Brandon’s thread over in the nano section.





I have read many RC threads about GHA and a majority of the tanks are 1 to 2 years old and the person has been fighting it for 6 months or longer. For those that continued the war it has taken over a year in some cases to win. This really is a “in it for the long haul” type of hobby and with our instant gratification mind set I wonder if this causes as many issues as anything else.

In turn with the GHA I have noticed a large build up of detritus under my floor. I can blast it with my MJ and I always get some suspended particles but I have been hitting it hard every few days and collecting it with my filter sponge and washing it out. For smaller tanks I think mechanical filtration plays a larger role in a balanced system than some of the larger systems. Maybe it is noticed more in a smaller system or maybe it has no where to hide etc. Notice I did not talk about water quality. Even though GHA is natural as a reefer I am forced to deal with it for the benefit of my system. Honestly I am not too worried yet and believe that I can control it with my current husbandry practices. However if that does not work at some point I will have to rethink things because I think human nature sets us up to do the same time day in and day out.

Looking through the front glass you will notice that it looks a little dirty from algae build up but honestly I clean my glass maybe once a month usually when I do a water change. The rest of the month I simply leave it alone. I know that some with OCD are probably trying to scratch their monitors getting it off but I can see life on the glass everyday so I am ok with that.

I guess that is all for now until I do January’s polyp count. I hope it is over 500 by now.

Some random shots:


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Here is the January 24, 2012 polyp count with December's in parentheses:

Left wall (35) 36
Top off (12) 20
Left rock, upper left side (97) 125
Left rock, upper right side (125) 144
Left rock lower left side (29) 62
Left floor (48) 65
Shell (5) 8
Center floor (40) 48
Right rock (47) 62
Powerhead (13) 13

Total count of the original frags: (451) 583
Change for the month: +132

Back floor (20) 29
Right wall (5) 6
Rock (5) 5

Total for all polyps: (481) 623
Change for the month: +142

I was very suprised at the count total of 623 for this month. The larger frags continued to have new polyps plus it was good to see some of the other frags beginning to pick up the pace. I feel like I have a long way to go until it is all filled in but who knows.

Problems of the month:
A patch of GHA on the right rock that has been going away but I will attack it on the next water change.
Pineapple sponges can been growing between the polyps and have been causing some of the polyps to stay closed so I took the time to pick off 30 or so.

Points of interest:
My mangrove is leafing out with additional leaves and I think another will soon.
I found an interesting sponge that I did not know that I had on some rubble and another one on one of the rocks. The one of the rock is a pale purple/blue while the other is tan.
About a year ago I saw an annelid worm crawling on my glass and it was back again, maybe a different one though. You just never know what you will have from time to time.

I guess that is about it. Take care everyone and thanks for stopping by.
This is such a great thread. Your diligence continues to amaze me. I'm sure many are and have learned a lot from your experience.

Your polyp counts are great man.

How much do you attribute your success to the mangroves?

Much continued success my friend. :beer:

Mucho Reef
Hey good to see that you are back. Hope everything is going well for you and thank you for the kind words.

As far as your question honestly I don’t think they do much and that also seems to be the general agreement in the plant forum. I got them because I have always wanted some and I had the opportunity to buy them for cheap. From everything I have read it takes a very large number to impact nutrient levels. Having said that I do think that they play a role in nutrient uptake and binding because their biomass has increased over time. Of course simple algae such as turfs or macroalgae have the advantage due to the rate of growth such as a sprinter vs. long distance runner so to speak.

I think the reasons why I don’t have algae issues are low bioload but I do feed the tank (no fish though I want to add fish to the tank) and the fact that I have a tremendous amount of rock even though the amount of water volume that has been displaced is small. I also do large WC to remove detritus and use a filter sponge to trap those particles so I can remove them from the system throughout the week by rinsing the sponge.

Also because of the discussions on peroxide treatments I can proactively treat the issue when it comes up. No matter what issues will come up from time to time and it is up to us to figure out what to do about it. It is interesting to think about how water quality may or may not impact nuisance algae in our systems. I do believe that they are a natural part of our systems but we wish to remove them because they cause issues with all the pretty corals we are trying to keep.

If you read this could you take a look at the zoas and tell me something about them such as collection origin etc. I figure you have a pretty good grasp of when they came into the hobby etc.

If anyone else knows I would like to hear from you too.

Take care.
Thank you for your comment.

Yes things are doing well even though I have failed to do much to it including my monthly water change at the beginning of this month.

I will do another polyp count in the next day or two and will see if that could have any impact on growth even though I am seeing new polyps on some of the frags.
Here are Jaunary's counts () and today's counts:
Left wall (36) 45
Top off (20) 33
Left rock (125) 155
Right rock (144) 268
Lower rock (62) 64
Left floor (65) 71
Shell (8) 10
Center floor (48) 55
Right rock (62) 86
Powerhead (13) 14

Total (583) 801
Difference (132) 218

Back floor (29) 38
Right wall (6) 9
Rock (5) 36

Total (623) 884
Difference (142) 261

I have not performed a WC since the beginning of January. I think the glass is getting a little dirty and I hope to work on the tank this weekend. As you can see the total number of polyps has increased at a quicker rate than last month even though I am running out of edges for new polyps to grow. Also it looks like I have run out of space on some of my second generation frags and it just maybe time to frag those and attach the new frags in other locations. I figure I have 4 or maybe 5 prime locations to pick.

They say that silence is golden but sometimes it can be a bad thing as well. On Sunday I did not hear water running out of the aqua clear. A snail crawled up the intake tube and got lodged in the impeller. The filter water was hot like bathwater due to the magnet trying to spin but could not. I cleaned the mangrove roots of detritus and it was back up and running in about 20 minutes.

To solve future issues I took the strainer from the filter tube and I cut it off until it would slide up into the cross tube. The filter keeps the strainer in place and you cannot see it in the water column.

I wonder if the tank will still be going strong on February 29, 2016?
Hey man your aquascaping will always be my favorite style. Im not debating the open look of the acro columns raging these past years isn't clean and nice, but given a choice I want a tank that looks busy from corner to corner. i like how the reef wall takes up all the rear visual field and coralline is seeding everywhere like jim morrisons beard thats how my tanks do.

it shows real age
the single best look in my opinion for any size reef is to look in the front and see zero equipment. just all rock and corals.
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Brandon thank you very much for the words.

I re-read my first post in this build where I listed my goals and I think I have been able to reach most of them.

I needed as much surface area as possible with as little volume lost. The smaller the tank the harder it is to shoe horn everything you want.
I wanted it to look like someone took a knife, cut out a section of a reef and stuck it in a glass box.

Overall I am very happy with how the build turned out though I did forget to make a space for the lift tube of the aqua clear.

Last night I was moving tank pictures and was really suprised how much the tank has changed over time. I think keeping a photo and a written journal are two keys to long term success.
Many people think about building a tank like yours, but they never do, myself included!!!
Pretty soon we won't be able to see the nice coralline algae you've got because of the growing polyps...
Great job! That is a proof that size doesn't matter!!! :thumbsup:

Pretty cool to get the 8th page claim celebrating 8 years on RC!

Many people think about building a tank like yours, but they never do, myself included!!!
Pretty soon we won't be able to see the nice coralline algae you've got because of the growing polyps...
Great job! That is a proof that size doesn't matter!!! :thumbsup:


Thanks. (I think.) :beer:

One of the "bad sides" of the hobby is there are so many things that I would like to try and see if they would work but as we know there is only so much space, time, and money. That is what is great about RC though. There is probably someone on here who has thought along the same lines as you and has decided to try it for themselves.

I know that everyone who has been doing this for any length of time gets frustrated and thinks about ending the hobby days including me and I guess this was my attempt to focus of what I was interested in and I think that has made me a better hobbyist. At some point something else will come along and I will start thinking about it too.

Believe it or not I am kind of bummed about my coralline algae being covered up. I am getting some interesting shapes, colors, and patterns and I like looking at that as well. New tank maybe?

I will probably do a tank cleaning today and will frag to celebrate.
Did a 99% WC for the first time in 2 months.
replaced carbon
made a 40 polyp frag into 16, 16, 8, 1, and 1 frags.
Treated 2 HA areas with H2O2.

Have been thinking about making a DIY skimmer for the tank thanks to Calm's thread for the heck of it but I would have to add another "sump" to hold it. Part of me doesn't since that makes the tank different but at the same time it is good to be flexible in this hobby.

The correct polyp count as of today is 889 and I will go off of this number for this month's count.

My youngest helping clean the tank. This was from March 2011 and you can see how clean everything looked.

Everything has opened up from the fragging except one of the singles. It does not look in bad shape but just has not opened yet. I figure I abused it pretty well and is going through light acclimation issues.

Last week I was looking at my tank thinking the there was something off with the scape. For some reason the rock on the right does not fit like I had hoped and it maybe coming out of the tank. If I did this I would frag the zoa and keep it of course.

I have been looking into the golden ratio some this week trying to see if that could help. Anyone into FW planted tanks probably knows much more than I do and you don't see it discussed too much around here. I can think of one tank of late on RC that discusses it at all.

I have also been thinking about flexibility in reef keeping and may build a DIY skimmer for the heck of it. I have everything needed but I did spend $3.04 on some other parts at HD earlier this week.
Thank you.

Years ago I and another reefer bought some tubs from him. His heat pack failed killing the entire frag. He replaced the entire thing for free which I always thought was pretty cool.

FYI this was when people sent you 20 to 30 polyps and called them a frag.

Today people would call that a mini-colony.