and so the day has come

Pretty cool that they have gotten there but that is deformed, look right behind the face before the dorsal fin. That is a cull fish in my breeder experience.
Bid history
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Bidders:6Bids:12Time left:4 days 22 hours 33 minsDuration:5 days
You're the high bidder and currently in the lead.
Haha, doubt it is gonna stay that way - lol
One thing about this hobby is you see a few people with more money than they know what to do with! Kind of sad someone throwing that kind of money down on a fish especially when you think of so many other productive things it could go towards like a charity!! Regardless of my opinion i think the Fish will easily go for over 10 grand, especially once the word gets out its up for sale.
This is a f1 fish and is likely being bid up by other breeders. I remember the f0 coming in a year or two ago. Good to see they've been able to get it to spawn.
Yeah, most likely other breeders are willing to pay top price as an investment and plan to get a hefty return once they are able to breed them. My guess is that you'll see these for 500 in 5 years time.
Remind's me of that saying.
"It's only worth what some one's willing to pay"
Or is It ?
That's a lot of money for a fish even for a breeder the money will be tied up for a long time and there is no guaranty.
I will take my 3 k and buy my new mountain bike lol