Angel Reef

What sort of angel is that Ryan. I assume you'll super glue its mouth shut prior to putting it in with the acros......... :)
Hmmmmmm, i dunno about this mate........ :rolleyes: Is that the same species that i just saw for sale on LA for three grand.
Wow! Congrats on the conspic! Easily one of my favorite Angels. Good luck with her. I must say, I'm a little jealous right now.
Wow! Congrats on the conspic! Easily one of my favorite Angels. Good luck with her. I must say, I'm a little jealous right now.

thanks, i also have some sad news, the FOWLR holding my regals and other fish cracked the other week and i lost them all. Came home (n garage) after a trip to LFS to water running out of the garage door and the smell of dead fish. was pretty upset to say the least.
Oh how depressing! On a brighter note, good catch with the Conspict, the holy grail of angel fish :)
thanks, i also have some sad news, the FOWLR holding my regals and other fish cracked the other week and i lost them all. Came home (n garage) after a trip to LFS to water running out of the garage door and the smell of dead fish. was pretty upset to say the least.

I'm really sorry to hear this. Just terrible news.
I actually removed the misbar regal a while ago because he wasn't getting enough to eat. He was a very slow meticulous eater and when I noticed him losing weight, I put him in my frag tank. I fattened him back up, then moved him to a new home where he is the boss. I've been told he is doing very well. I was sorry to see him go.

keep us posted on the conspic when he arrives
Sorry about the fish death. That really sucks losing the fish due to the stupid tank breaking. :(
I actually removed the misbar regal a while ago because he wasn't getting enough to eat. He was a very slow meticulous eater and when I noticed him losing weight, I put him in my frag tank. I fattened him back up, then moved him to a new home where he is the boss. I've been told he is doing very well. I was sorry to see him go.

keep us posted on the conspic when he arrives

Regals can be hit and miss with eating, i have a qt set up with live rock waiting for a new pair or trio

Conspic arrived last night here it is this morning excuse the coral mess need to fix things down
A lot has happened with Angel Reef, and none of it good.

After waiting for 5 years to get a conspic I got one from a fellow reefer and for this reason didnt QT. It was eating but the achilles gave it some greif for the first couple of days then left it alone, but alas this stressed the fish and it spotted up and ended out wiping the whole tank out. This then caused the coral to suffer, mainly due to lack of interest in tank, and lost 90% of SPS some ive had for 5 years.

So I got over the losses quickly and got a pair of regals, which i had eating (not a lot tho) in QT for 8 weeks, along with a pair of multibar then the regal and 1 multibar died. I was going to shut the tank down as completely over it.

I then went to the cook islands for a week holiday, where i helped out with some coral planting for restocking the destroyed reefs and have got some motivation back. I will start restocking the tank in the coming weeks, collecting frags and some colonies I have given to ppl before. no fancy fish now this time tho.