Angelfish reef safe? & show me pic of your angel too!

Angelfish reef safe? & show me pic of your angel too!

  • YES

    Votes: 40 52.6%
  • Noooooo

    Votes: 36 47.4%

  • Total voters


New member
Anyone that has angel fish in your reef tank.... will you say it's reef safe?

I'm seriously thinking of getting an angelfish... most likely a Flame Angel.... second choice may be CoralBeauty or Lemonpeel. But I'm just a bit worry they eating my corals, which are mostly zoos, mushrooms and LPS.

And plz show me some nice pics of your angel! Need some help to decide which angel to get! :rollface:
ive had two coral beauties in my 58g reef and neither have ever touched anything, brains, zoo's clams nothing. Same goes for the pygme angle in my nano.

I personally think they just like to eat the flesh off dead corals and people think they are eating the coral, but then again my boss says he has tried 4 flame angles in his tank and they all tried to eat his brains

and as for pics, my coral beauty is scared of the camera and my pygme is just plane to fast and tweekish:rolleyes:
I think the poll is rather limiting considering the number of species and range of behavior. A cherub angel Centropyge argi is generally considered the most reefsafe angel - I had one for three years before giving it to the lfs (way too aggressive) and it never even pecked at a coral. So, "YES" to the cherub but, bear in mind that it is very aggressive.

Flames and coral beauties tend to be 50/50 so they're neither no or yes but "MAYBE."

Lemonpeels are high risk as they tend to pick at coral more often than not so for them "NO". According to Scott W. Michael, they are "notorious" for eating corals and clams.

Perhaps a poll listing the popular species that people maintain and whether they feel a particular species is a safe bet or not will provide a more accurate measure of the degree to which an angel is reefsafe.
Of pygmy angels the only ones i'd consider somewhat reef safe are atlantic pygmy angels. every other one will go rogue somewhere down the line. altho atlantic pygmys will pick at clam mantels. You are best off with a swallowtail, lamarck's, or bellus angel, as they are planktivores and have no interest in corals.
I have a coral beauty and he doesn't touch any corals. However I put a majestic angel in my tank and he quickly killed my brain and trumpet corals although he leaves my other ones alone. Now I'm not sure what other corals I can purchased without them becoming an expensive meal.
Our multibarred angle just was caught this morning due to his appetite for our new zoos. Had a flame that was a model citizen until he got caught in a powerhead and met his demise.
Re: Angelfish reef safe? & show me pic of your angel too!

boyohboy2 said:
Anyone that has angel fish in your reef tank.... will you say it's reef safe?

I'm seriously thinking of getting an angelfish... most likely a Flame Angel.... second choice may be CoralBeauty or Lemonpeel. But I'm just a bit worry they eating my corals, which are mostly zoos, mushrooms and LPS.

And plz show me some nice pics of your angel! Need some help to decide which angel to get! :rollface:
'Angelfish in reef aquariums' will likely be a popular topic forever. Whether or not an Angelfish bothers any of your inverts really depends on the individual fish, the size of your aquarium and what inverts are in the aquarium.... although certain Angelfish (such as Lemonpeels) are much more likely to cause destruction in a reef tank than others (such as Genicanthus sp. Angelfish). You can always browse the Angelfish pics in the RC picture gallery to see lots of Angelfish pix. Here's a link:
Thanks everyone so far. Keep your experience coming, thanks :D

So at least for now I can remove Lemonpeel from my wishlist by the look of it. And I only have a 50G so I'm limited to the Centropyge sp of smaller angels I guess
Another for hit-or-miss. Therefore I would say no. I have yet to see a type of Angel that is certain to not pester your corals.
I am similar to you. Coral beauty and zoo's,mushrooms,branchy coral, seems fine in there. In my other tank with fish only, I have a Flame. I think it is safer to keep only one per tank.
I've only had pygmy's in my tank and they didn't bother the coral. I have never known for Flame's, Rusty's and Beauties to cause problems, imo.
The only thing my coral beauty has ever touched is Xenia. Otherwise has left everything else alone.
Pic in my avatar!
My Potters will give an occasional nip at the shell of my clam, but not the mantle. Leaves the other corals alone.

Most people here go by what they've HEARD, not what they've TRIED and STUCK WITH. Those that HAVE tried, understand the inherent problems, provided for solutions, and stuck with it have, for the vast majority, found that it is entirely possible to keep Angels of all sorts in reef tanks. There are also the same misconceptions about individual specimens as there are about bristleworms. Yeah, Centropyge will be the first to the party when snacking on a dying clam, sure, but that doesn't mean they killed it or stressed it to death, just as a simple example. And let's not forget how "reef safe" Tangs are. Yet many, many, many of them will dine on LPS like Open Brains. But, for some reason, that doesn't deter people the same way Angel keeping deters people, and most have found that, if you choose your species and specimens wisely, feed reasonably, etc., most Tangs work out just fine in a reef. Same goes for Angels, and I've been saying it for years, same as I've been saying that mutiple Angels are usually not a problem IF you do it right.
I just added a flame angel from Vannatu into my 180 with sps, lps and some soft corals

I know it's a crap shoot I have an open brain thats been with me for better part of 5 years.

this flame ate some myisis while I was dripping him in he actually ate it out of my hand

I was considering a regal but... the flame won