***Announcing JARC's 1st Club Meeting!***


New member
I am very pleased to announce The Joliet Reef Club's first official meeting! It is to be held at Cemeno's Pizza in Joliet on Essington Rd. at noon on Saturday, September 15th, 2007.

Pizza and pop will be available - donations to help cover the cost of the room ($35) & food will be appreciated.

We will be discussing membership fees and dues, as well as club officer positions. Also on the agenda to talk about are club activities, group outings, group buys, and host volunteers.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all, please bring your ideas for this fledgling club!!!
The room is booked. I convinced them not to charge the $35 fee since we are a not for profit organization. If there is a banquet room we will sit in there, otherwise we will have a private quiet spot in the restaurant. There are 3 rooms and none are booked yet so we should be fine.

Hope to see you there
Wow nice to see Joliet has a reef club! I noticed it as I was moving down to my reef club. It caught my eye as my wife is from there. If anyone is going to MACNA please call me. The RC crowd always has a blast.
