Another 225 Tank Project!

Great Tank!!

Just a couple of questions.

1) why 2 skimmers? is it because you couldn;t get 1 big one under the stand?
2) did you make them? If so off of what plans



I found a little problem with that spackel spraypaint. It dosnt like to get wet. It started to wash off when a pump shot it. I guess I am going to have to put more money into a Varathaine clearcoat.


Well I got my two surge tanks finally. I am still waiting for my tank. :smokin:
hey, I have been followin all along, and read through most of this twice, and I forgot what the purpose of two skimmers was. :)
Thanks~! :smile: Are you still on schedule for the 280 in June? Would like to see some pics

Just made on offer on a house today AND they accepted. Will be moving in the last week of May so I'm actually RIGHT on schedule. Tank being built by James at Envisionary Acrylics next week and he's holding it there to let it further cure until I move and can have it shipped right to the house. Website is in the making. I will also be starting a construction thread within the next week or 2.
Tazzmacd - I personally dont believe that it is possible to over skim. thats is just my opinion ;) . I plan on a heavy bio load and want to be able to have the skimmer power I need to keep up with it. I did make both skimmers, this is the 4th and 5 skimmer Ive made, I dont have plans for them, I just went with the typical beckett designs that I have seen, they work awsome....Im powering both with a MAG 2400. - I put 2 coats of polycrylic over it, some of mine got wet, and it seems to be holding just fine. I thought I mentioned that? sorry :confused:

Travis - Contrats! Looking forward to seeing you new project :D
Thanks everyone for the kind words!

04/07/04 - Assembling: After 2 day or running just the pump with no success, I decided to add a 50 micron filter media pad 24" x 24". The tank was 90% clear in just 6 hours. Im still just putting all the pieces together, I should be ready to add my live rock this weekend.

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very cool to read though this == i just ordered one with same dimesions on monday=== hope to have it in 3 weeks
Looking great. I'm envious of your setup and will be anxiously awaiting to see rock and critters going in:)
Ya you'll have it in 3 weeks....:lol: I have been waiting 5 weeks for mine. the plans are at I can do another thing until I have my tank.

Platapus....You did mention it! I just forgot to do it. Can you take some close up pics of your skimmers and email them to my personal account @ . I am looking to get rid of the Euro Reef Skimmer and do a dual skimmer setup too.
