<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11722526#post11722526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Maximus
How did I miss this thread? Does your "mystery" pair start with the letter "D"?
Hey Sang... you hit the nail on the head... Centropyge debelius... a pair of them... I received them a few weeks ago and they were both dead within six hours. They were packed great... pH fine... temp fine... but something happened along the way that took them out nearly, and they didn't recover. I saw the pair last when I was in Hawaii in October at Frank's place. I prepared a system for them and everything. The money was nothing, as Frank made good on it of course, but what a heartbreak. Words cannot explain it. To put it simply, it sucked. However, I've learned not to worry about things that are out of my control, in real life and in reefkeeping life. To even have the opportunity to own a fish like this was a dream come true, and it will be a long time before that opportunity arises again. Oh well... que sera sera... Here are pics of the male on his deathbed... God bless them...
And postmortem...
A small shot from Frank's website of this pair... two of the eleven he produced in captivity. The number of wild individuals that enter the trade each year can be counted on one hand... or none... It's depth, rarity (not even common at depth), and isolation (gem tang land, but deep) make this a rarity among rarities... I'll have larger shots in my presentation...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11728254#post11728254 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by armagedon48
love the information. i just read an article in a magazine about the hybrid angel being found. absolutely loved reading about how he found it.
your fish collection is stunning as usual.
Yeah that article was written by Bill... in addition to the photos taken on the previous page... Frank snapped this one of Bill and I... It's amazing he makes a living catching fish without a mask on...

It's funny how many people didn't realize the significance of his find... he turned to the collector he was collecting with when he got the fish... he was stoked... describing that he thinks it's a hybrid... and the other collector turns to him and says... "Hmm... cool... hey but check out the size of this Potter's!" I laughed when I heard that...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11733311#post11733311 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tcmfish
You should start an angelfish thread with all your different kinds. Its hard to keep track with all these different threads. I am simply amazed everytime you post. I know its gonna be good and its always some super rare fish or some crazy angelfish related topic. Great stuff.
So if I understood you correctly you lost the smallest joc. and Still have the larger one (without the eye) and the other?
Thanks very much bud! I'm 30 now and since I was a child I've had this innate passion for the all things water... I grew up on an island on a lake, and fished and "barefooted" in the summer, while playing ice hockey and snow skiing in the winter. Fish and hockey have always been my two passions. It's such a pleasure to have an audience interested in what I have to contribute on these topics, because as I always say... "God knows my wife doesn't want to hear it!" Our two year old is learning latin names now though... and #2 is on the way due in August!

One large thread would be too much of an undertaking... I do speak for clubs on the subject of rare angels, and am speaking at this year's IMAC in Chicago (International Marine Aquarium Conference). The problem I'm having is that as my experiences and stories are growing, the presentation needs to remain only an hour...

In regards to the jocs, that's correct. A month ago or so I placed the remaining two wild jocs (including one eye), in my large display with the large captive raised joc, and all is well. The loss of the small one was my fault. These guys were so tiny I placed them together in a 20 long to grow them out... They've grown like roots, and unfortunately while I was away on business old one eye got very aggressive, and the smallest could not be saved. I also placed the Centropyge colini pair I have (the wild pair from Fiji that Frank spawned) in my large display to make room for the debelius pair in another system... Centropyge colini is such a unique species really... and I've fallen for these guys hard... such an underappreciated species...
Thanks again to all...