Another filter sock cleaning question


New member
Did some reading around on how people clean their filter socks. Picked the one way that seemed easier to me. Basically what i did was soak the filter sock in a bucket of water with a cap full of bleach for 24 hours, rinsed out throughly with water in my sink then air dried for 2 days. Found a few people doing it like this with no issues but when i put the sock in my sump my skimmer went crazy. Is this normal or should i clean them a different way? Using the washer machine is out of the question its brand new and the gf uses all kinds of stuff when she does laundry.
I use vinegar in the washing machine. You could do it the same way you are now, just use vinegar instead. Make sure to rinse it well to try to get the vinegar out to prevent the skimmer from going nuts. Vinegar won't hurt the tank but skimmer may go crazy.
Ill try the vinegar next time. I wasnt worried about the bleach because everyone said if you rinse it really well and air dry it the bleach will basically dicipate while air drying. Ill try vinegar net time tho, thanks for the quick response
I do a bleach soak in a bucket. Then throw in wash machine with hot wash using vinegar in wash cycle and vinegar in bleach cycle. After all that, I do a quick wash with nothing for more rinses.

My skimmer usually goes nuts for about 10 minutes even with all this, so I simply turn off for 30 minutes after sock change (every other day). I have found that if I soak in a bucket of clean Saltwater, it does not do this, but that is expensive in the long run. Just let it sit for what ever your "sweet spot is".
Thanks janes! Wasnt sure if the skimmer going crazy was normal or not. Its my first filter sock sump. Ive been using bioballs the last 2.5 years
Old thread last year.

Post 13

FYI, I still have those socks, they still look brand new.

If you Google this.

(5x) Filter Sock 4 " x 13" 100 micron Polyester Felt High Quality Made in USA

I brought this on Ebay, its very High Quality, had my for years and they still look good.

I been using this for over 2 years and only for my socks.
It also has a very small footprint.

Washing Machine.

I hand wash my socks with the outside hose, then I place them inside washing machine.
Every 2 weeks (16 socks), I wash them with 3 cap of bleach. Then I wash them again with 2 caps of prime.

This washing machine, spins so fast, the socks are almost dry. I just leave them outside for 1/2 day, then I am done.

I also do this with any new socks. My socks are lasting for 2 years and still white as new.
More importantly, my skimmer never loses its foam head.
Do you need to do this? I do not know, but it works for me.

That little washer machine is kinda cool

Its very small, and also use it to hold the socks till I clean them.

Also its very important to pre clean them before putting it in the washing machine.
I turn the socks inside out, slide them inside a 1 inch pvc stuck in the ground and spray them with a garden hose full blast.
I use 25 micron socks, not sure if that makes any diff on washing, but I also do approx 30 socks (4 inch for my 120 gallon and 7 inch for my 300 gallon) per every couple weeks. I have tried peroxide and the "sallys beauty no. 4" but always go back to vinegar and bleach and fresh water rinses).

Anyway, some get skimmer reaction and some don't. I wouldn't fuss too much about it as long as you know your not adding bleach to the system.
Ill have too look into that little washer for sure. Itd defintaly make things easier. And yes janes, adding bleach to my system thru my filter sock was my main concern. Thanks for clearing that up
Yes the bleach will evaporate as long as it's rinsed well before drying. I just don't like having to wait a few days.
I used to wash filter socks in washing machine until I found the DIY filter sock thread in reef to reef forum. I make 6" socks and they costs 25 cents each so I just toss them out after one week of use. No matter how you clean it, it will never be as clean as a new sock.
A cap full of bleach in a 5 gallon bucket of water is not going to do much, the reason your skimmer is going bonky is the tab water rinse. I use quite a bit of bleach (just pour about 1/4 gallon in 10 gallon container with about 6 gallons water and I use that to store the socks after use/before cleaning. Then I rinse them hose. Then I use washing machine, I use a 'quick" cycle on the machine that is empty before using, then a tad of bleach in the machine/double rinse. Air dry. Now all this still resulted in my skimmer going turbo, I since added one step, After they dry I fill a 5gallon bucket with RO water and swish the bags around one at a time then air dry again, this extra step has resulted in my skimmer having no reaction when I change bags.

My 2cents.
Thanks for the input oblio, i only put about 2 gallons in the 5 gallon bucket but i see what your saying. Im sure the more i wash them the less worried ill be about screwing my tank up by washing a filter wrong lol
WARNING: If you care not to read what I write, for your family and own safety please read the LAST statement.

I prefer 7" OD 25 micron socks for most systems. A good mechanical filter will force servicing often. Any mesh larger is a wasted opportunity IMO. Here is an excerpt from my "How to" flyer.

  • Turn the bags inside out. Inspect for holes or tears to the filter material. Repair or discontinue use any bag that allows water bypassing of the filter material.
  • Using copious amounts of freshwater under high-pressure, wash away large debris. This step allows bleach to better penetrate the bag's micron mesh and thoroughly remove the trapped organics. Plus, flushing saltwater and solid debris will save wear and tear on the machining machine.
  • Run your washing machine to on a rinse cycle to rid the device of any residual soap or fabric softeners. USE GOOD JUDGEMENT! If a large amount of soap or fabric softener residue is present, DO NOT wash the bags in the device until their presence is COMPLETELY removed. Residue of cleaning products can cause protein skimmers to behave abnormally and also affect the inhabitants of the aquarium.
  • Place the batch of bags in washing machine with one cup of bleach and run through a complete wash cycle.
  • Run the bags through another complete wash cycle to make sure any remaining bleach is rinsed out of the bag. An aquarium safe dechlorinating agent can be added to this step but is not typically needed.
  • Turn the bag right side out and let air dry.

This procedure has never failed me since I started use of 25 micron filter bags in 1998. I wash 6 to 12 bags or more every day. No casualties or protein skimmer reaction, EVER!

A couple of side notes regarding vinegar.

Although vinegar is a good household cleaner and has additional antibacterial properties, the acetic acid present is not of a strong enough concentration to be on par with the oxidation ability of bleach. Vinegar just can't remove the organics trapped within a bag like bleach. If you find that your bags aren't lasting as long between forced service intervals, ie quickly overflowing, then their pores are likely clogged and a more thorough cleaning is needed.

Lastly, DON'T mix vinegar and bleach unless you're prepared for the resulting chemical weapon. Please read the following before causing harm....Why You Shouldn't Mix Bleach and Vinegar and Why People Do It Anyway....simple FACTUAL explanation of what is being created.
Ya i knew not to make mustard gas with bleach and vinegar lol i do appreciate your detailed response. Im defintaly sticking with bleach and water to clean my filter socks. Its all still new to me
WARNING: If you care not to read what I write, for your family and own safety please read the LAST statement.

I prefer 7" OD 25 micron socks for most systems. A good mechanical filter will force servicing often. Any mesh larger is a wasted opportunity IMO. Here is an excerpt from my "How to" flyer.

  • Turn the bags inside out. Inspect for holes or tears to the filter material. Repair or discontinue use any bag that allows water bypassing of the filter material.
  • Using copious amounts of freshwater under high-pressure, wash away large debris. This step allows bleach to better penetrate the bag's micron mesh and thoroughly remove the trapped organics. Plus, flushing saltwater and solid debris will save wear and tear on the machining machine.
  • Run your washing machine to on a rinse cycle to rid the device of any residual soap or fabric softeners. USE GOOD JUDGEMENT! If a large amount of soap or fabric softener residue is present, DO NOT wash the bags in the device until their presence is COMPLETELY removed. Residue of cleaning products can cause protein skimmers to behave abnormally and also affect the inhabitants of the aquarium.
  • Place the batch of bags in washing machine with one cup of bleach and run through a complete wash cycle.
  • Run the bags through another complete wash cycle to make sure any remaining bleach is rinsed out of the bag. An aquarium safe dechlorinating agent can be added to this step but is not typically needed.
  • Turn the bag right side out and let air dry.

This procedure has never failed me since I started use of 25 micron filter bags in 1998. I wash 6 to 12 bags or more every day. No casualties or protein skimmer reaction, EVER!

A couple of side notes regarding vinegar.

Although vinegar is a good household cleaner and has additional antibacterial properties, the acetic acid present is not of a strong enough concentration to be on par with the oxidation ability of bleach. Vinegar just can't remove the organics trapped within a bag like bleach. If you find that your bags aren't lasting as long between forced service intervals, ie quickly overflowing, then their pores are likely clogged and a more thorough cleaning is needed.

Lastly, DON'T mix vinegar and bleach unless you're prepared for the resulting chemical weapon. Please read the following before causing harm....Why You Shouldn't Mix Bleach and Vinegar and Why People Do It Anyway....simple FACTUAL explanation of what is being created.
