Another filter sock cleaning question

^ Mock if you like but it is clear that much confusion exists on how to clean this widely used piece of equipment. Errors from overflowing skimmers to producing a trench warfare weapon have been mentioned within this short thread. It is apparent to me that neither vendors or hobbyists are adequately disseminating how to appropriately and safely service this device.
^... to producing a trench warfare weapon

Hahahah I got a good laugh out of that! On another note, if anyone is not using the 25 micron socks I highly recommend switching. My green cyano bacteria was literally solved within a week of Johns advice.
^ Mock if you like but it is clear that much confusion exists on how to clean this widely used piece of equipment. Errors from overflowing skimmers to producing a trench warfare weapon have been mentioned within this short thread. It is apparent to me that neither vendors or hobbyists are adequately disseminating how to appropriately and safely service this device.

sir, I was NOT mocking at all, your post is well written, complete and leaves no question as to how to do this correctly. As a matter of fact it was the exact opposite of mocking it was a (apparently not well executed) attempt to say "with that information there is nothing left to say about the subject" I apologize if it came out any other way.
When I first started using socks I got the 25 micron socks and cleaning regimen from FAOIS and haven't looked back , haven't had any issues. As stated the high pressure hose down and thorough rinsing of the washing machine PRIOR to sock wash is important. As is the extra rinse after.

I did buy a few of the 100 micron? from elsewhere and the amount of gunk the 25 micron removes in comparison is amazing.
No problem, I must not read Gump well. :D

LOL, I just re-read my posts. I was giving mis-information about what I do!
I do a bleach soak in bucket, then I do a wash cycle with nothing added at all.

THEN, I do a simple vinegar wash and rinse a few times. I certainly didn't mean to imply that I used both in the same cycle of washing, but re-reading that is the way is would have been read!

Real quick question, I do like the idea of using 25 micron socks, only thing is, I won't be using socks on my new setup since it's an AIO tank. I do want to use some sort of mech filtration such as socks. Does anyone know what sort of fabric that be bought locally would be as low as 25 micron?
Real quick question, I do like the idea of using 25 micron socks, only thing is, I won't be using socks on my new setup since it's an AIO tank. I do want to use some sort of mech filtration such as socks. Does anyone know what sort of fabric that be bought locally would be as low as 25 micron?

Just cut a sock up
Real quick question, I do like the idea of using 25 micron socks, only thing is, I won't be using socks on my new setup since it's an AIO tank. I do want to use some sort of mech filtration such as socks. Does anyone know what sort of fabric that be bought locally would be as low as 25 micron?

Not sure of the shape, but buy one of the really big socks John has and cut it up to fit your needs?
Actually just found some 25 micron polyester fabric, 2,592 square inches of it for $24 shipped. Should last me almost a year even while changing it out everyday.
I think im using 200 micron socks. Ive read any lower than that id be changing them once a day if not twice. The tank is a predator tank so there is always gunk floating around and what not. Its a constant algae battle even with gfo. I figured with the 200 micron itd still filter way better than the filter floss i was using in my old sump but even with the 200 micron socks im having to change them every morning due to almost bubbling over. If i used 25 micron id probably go thru 5 a day lol
it's all about that base bout that base not treble! Nutrient control. If your having a constant battle with algae battle, then slow down on what your adding to the tank and speed up what your taking out..... meaning, if 25 micron gets plugged after 1/2 day your adding way to many nutrients. Remember, the ocean is basically nutrient starved. The fish are guilting you into feeding!!! 25 micron will get you to balance what your adding vs what your removing :)
All my fish are messy meat eatters. The eels rip and destroy their food making a huge mess. The porcupine puffer doesnt make much of a mess but still messy eater and the lion fish eats his food whole so no issue there. Tried a good CUC but all snails get eaten, hermits get eaten, crabs eaten. Only thing they havent eaten is the brittle star, its almost bigger than my open hand. I pretty much rely on weekly water changes and a good syphoning during water changes to keep things somewhat in order. Fish are fed every other day. Lights on at noon and off at 8
Actually reefs are nutrients rich. But twice a day they get 100% water changes and anything remaining is quickly consumed through the food chain.

If your bags can't handle the predator tank, perhaps you should look at alternative means to export nutrients. A large algae turf scrubber seems like it would be a good fit for your situation.
Thing is i think the filter socks are in fact working. Ive only been using them for about a week now. The socks get dirtier in 2 days than my filter floss did in a week. So i know they are filtering way better. I just think the new filter system has to play catch up.