another id thread...


New member
well, i got the three book set by vernon and ive been trying to id some of my favorite acros... i cant really find these two or im torn between a few for the id...

i think this one may be an anacropora?!?!



and this... it has staghorn type growth but it dosent look like any staghorns in the book...
the second one dosent look like either a tort or a loisettae...

ive looked through the corals of the world acro section several times and dont see anything that is the same as this... maybe a new specis... lol
i used to have the last one, i forget the name, hard to keep the blue on it, or else it'll turn brown ;p anyway.
ill check it out in the book when i get home today on the a. paralis

it has been a very easy acro to keep its color for me. it used to be in a high nutrient, low flow tank... and it kept its color
You should post the last one in the "id these three corals" thread in this forum. I still call loisettae, which has tubular scale-like corallites. Very similar coral, however. hell, it could be an insignis.
actually, i believe that i know what the last one is ... Acropora Plumosa

the parilis is very similar but the corallite structure/abundance is different