another zoo question


Premium Member
Hey Anthony,
Caught you in Boston, in January. (awesome presentation)
Just one question; I just bought my first zoos, One about 2 inches in size, and one small frag. The bigger piece hasn't moved since I put it in the tank, The frag keeps falling out of place, can you recommend anything that I can do to keep it in place? (without disturbing any of my rockwork)
Are there any underwater glues that I can apply to the back of the frag and just simply stick it in the tank?
I've tried gel superglue, but maybe I just used it wrong.
Frag keeps falling, because my shrimp won't leave it alone. (is this normal)
Thank You
Cheers, Stocker :)

Glad you enjoyed the Jan visit/presentations... best of luck to your club for hosting a future MACNA too. Looking forward to it :)

RE: the zoanthid... its won't be too much trouble to attach. Are you looking to attach it to a specific rock that is submerged? If so, use a PVC collar or ring if the site is level enough (with or without mesh/fruit netting over top). Or... if the site is precarious... then stick a lift tube (1") on the spot and leave it stick out of the tank temporarily. The long tube will act like a chute... slide the polyp down the chute and it will settle at the bottom of course. After a few days undisturbed it will attach naturally. This is how we sometimes attach polyps and corallimorphs to the sheer face of a submerged rock (also described in a little more detail in my coral propagation book).

The easiest way would be to attach it out of the water to a small piece of rubble with a divot or depression (small sheels are great too... but not very natural). The gel superglue is OK here... just be sure to glue only the underside of the foot... and be sure to pat the polyp very dry before gluing.

As far as the shrimp not leaving it alone... very common. Many of the peppermint, cleaner and camel shrimp are barely reef-safe.

Best regards, Anthony