Anthis Dying

you went and bought more?

If it were me I would of figure out what the problem was before spending more money on fish then "hoping" they make it.

I don't know the steps that other stores around here do for their fish but I know the steps FAOIS takes. Yes they might have a fish here and there that make it out not 100% but they do their best to make sure fish are at tip top shape before letting them go.
you went and bought more?

If it were me I would of figure out what the problem was before spending more money on fish then "hoping" they make it.

I don't know the steps that other stores around here do for their fish but I know the steps FAOIS takes. Yes they might have a fish here and there that make it out not 100% but they do their best to make sure fish are at tip top shape before letting them go.

No they were warranted I guess Marine Wharehouse has a 48 hours guarantee on there fish since there was nothing wrong with the water they sampled and no visible signs on the fish they gave me 3 more from the same batch.
2nd that. I feel that I could purchase anything at FAOIS and, after a proper acclimation, put it straight in my DT. I have never seen any questionable fish or corals at that store.

If you want the quality, you go see John and Chris.

3rd that
Okay enough first of all nobody knows what happen your all guessing.

They were in an established QT tank everything was done right there was no sign of ammonia enough to kill 3 fish in over a day. (still does not mean it didn't happened)

Water was check and checked and still checked. There several different things that can cause fish to die but we have no clue what is was they came form a store that bought them from somewhere that was brought from somewhere not all fish are going to be healthy and make it.

What I do know is water seems fine added with making regular water changes, Temp is fine, and salinity is fine.

the fish have a 48 hour guarantee they died there was no obvious reason for it they died. They replaced them at no cost from there original batch in that way I would not be adding fish from a different batch in case it was the that batch that has an issue. Might not be sound logic but its my logic.

Has of now everybody still alive everything seems fine. I appreciate everybody comments and help with this but enough of the BS and negative comments please.
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