Any date on Knoebles 2013 yet?


Last year we had the date set about 364 days in advance so I was wondering if a date was picked for this year yet? I want to mark it on my calendar before the summer schedule gets too out of hand!

The RCS website says "Summer 2013" so I'm guessing there's been chatter, but the link doesn't go anywhere. :)

No,but if we plan on doing it,we need to reserve a picnic area asap.I will get a email out to the BOD to see if we can make it happen this year
It's been over a this officially scrapped for this year. :(

The longer we wait, the lower my odds of being able to ask for off.
It is not looking very good at the present.The BOD is small as it is at the present and some can not do the event until July or August.I can not do it in July(but feel free to get it done without me if you guys choose) I am out for that month.Aug seems too close to the fall events for my liking so unless someone wants to spear head this and get it done I fear it may not happen this year.If the picnic does not happen this year,I have proposed to the BOD that NCPARS/RCS members in good standing can enter the fall swap for free.This is out for vote now as is whether any of us can make the picnic arrangements and make that event happen.I am currently working on the Fall event that will be at TFP in the retail store.

We need volunteers and BOD members.Without sufficient help,only priorities will get done
I understand. The picnic was nice, but I understand for some it's too far to travel so the interest is going to be limited.
Our "meetings" usually occur at our swaps...the last swap was 2 1/2 weeks ago so our next one won't be until "fall" which is what Dan (rigleautomotive) was talking about. I'll let Dan step in on how you can help since I'm just a member at this point and no longer on the BOD. I know they can always use the help.