Any luck catching an Engineer Goby?


Active member
My sister-in-law has an engineer goby in her tank that I have been dying to get out of there. That fish is a nightmare.

Anny suggestions on how to get it out? Has anyone had any luck with a fish trap on these guys? Maybe a tiny bait hook?
Drain the tank down as far as you can ,a few inches of water, and try to catch him that way.
If that doesn't work use a trap.
I have never had one so I don't have any tried and true methods. I have a fish trap about 5" x 10" you can use. Maybe use a soda or wine bottle and put some sand in it and maybe some rubble around it to make it look more like the tank. I would let it sit a day or two with food and hopefully it might go in it. I would also change out the food everyday if he does not eat it. Also tie some fishing string to the opening area so you can pull it up hopefully with the goby.

Just my thoughts and good luck. :beer:
Drain the tank down as far as you can ,a few inches of water, and try to catch him that way.
If that doesn't work use a trap.

That's a lot of water and these things are such good swimmers you'd have to empty almost all the way. I don't think that'll work well and may harm the other fish in the tank.

The bottle idea is a good idea. That's what I have seen from reading around has been the most successful.

I could of course try this...he's a really good Would be worried about hurting it though. It's a beautiful fish. Might not be so bad if you use a barbless hook though.
I used a very small hook to catch a small grouper in an aquarium years ago. Just be careful removing the hook once you catch him.

Dont use anything so small he could swallow it though.