RGBMatt's correct, plenty of deep water fish, properly compressed, make great aquarium fish. This is true of many of the high end wrasses we keep.
What is telling is that the guy the fish is named after, Chip Boyle, and knows where these fish may be, collects on Raratonga in the Cook islands. He obviously ain't shipping a bunch (read pretty much any). They are delicate and are known to not feed in capitivity. He is specializing in deep water stuff like Ventralis, so you know if he felt it was feasible, he would be shipping these fish.
You don't go after these fish at 100+ meters on standard air. You don't even think about it these days. Rebreathers and mixed gas are required. I am guessing that mixed gas and rebreather maintenance is pretty scarce on the Cook Islands, so you probably don't push it too much. I think I read somewhere that Mr. Boyle even had to set up an oxygen generation system to support his exports. I think he supplies the local medical facility and others as well. Even with advanced diving technologies, dives to those depths are not easy. There is also very little time to explore and/or capture. Simple physical exertion at those depths is compounded many fold in terms of the toll on the body and oxygen availability.
What I would love to see is a book written by some of the folks in the hobby who collect the fish we like to purchase and their detailed tales of capture and exploration.