Anybody in the east bay interested in some red ochtodes macroalgae?


Man who sold the world
Anybody in the east bay interested in some red ochtodes macroalgae?

I live in oakley and work in mountain view, and have too much. I'm going to prune a bunch soon and don't have the heart to throw any away. It'll come from a tank that is aiptasia free and doesn't harbor any known pests.

This stuff grows ~moderately fast and does well under strong, blue heavy light. It's similar to chaeto in that it's pretty easy to grow.

I'm not looking for much of anything in return, but if you have some cool cheap frags or macro to throw at me I wouldn't argue with you :)

[MENTION=73492]lingwendil[/MENTION] sent you a pm. Interested in getting some if you still have more. Can trade with Dragon's breath macro or frag of easy sps or zoas.
Thanks for the macro bro. Hope the frags do well in your tank.

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just a heads up to anybody else interested- I'll be giving out a couple more handfuls and then be none for a month or two. If I haven't yet heard from you and you're still interested just let me know. otherwise once I have more I'll post in this thread again to show.

To everyone that met up with me already, enjoy the macro, and thanks for the trades, I met some very generous people and saw some very cool setups :)