Anyone else having Acan issues?

Ive never had luck with any corals Alk over 7.7-8.0 when my NO3 and PO4 are near 0, but usually I notice sps is affected first.

How are you measuring heat? Setting on heater or thermometer through controller? Is it possoble that your acans are getting too much heat?

In general, what can your acans tell you? Are they all reacting the same way, regardless of placement? In which case, definitely water parameters or temp. If some are better than others, where are the happier ones? Higher/lower flow, higher/lower light?

Finally, whenever I have acans that are struggling, I target feed them regularly until they are back in shape. How do yours respond to taget feeding?
Can u feed them reef roids or do you need to incude something more meaty like mysis or Lrs? I ask cuz fish always steal there food .... Reef roids make it easy cause fish cant take it lol
Also check all you magnets, impellers and smell your internal pumps. We recently lost a lot of mature SPS colonies in our display all while most looked great. We didn't find any metals or rust, but upon cleaning we noticed a powerhead smelled like electrical fire. It didn't even trip any GFI's. At a different occasion, in our aquaculture systems, all corals looked good but Monti spongodes and M. satosa. Half died over a week period. Impeller on a skimmer cracked so metals leaked out. A customer slowly was loosing corals, with all basics parameters ok. Overflow had couple pieces of metal from his lights.
Hello I'm also going through the same issues with my system slow acan deaths , all sps acros and chalices ok , effected coral is acans and a large trachy , it's like they are slowly being eaten it's really confusing , I've bought a doser and temp controller to make sure things are rock stable , I'm considering doing a prazipro treatment in the display which is the equivalent to the interceptor treatment being a dewormer , I know I have stray voltage from pumps as I've had a few nips when putting fingers in where a cut is , did u locate the issue travis feel like selling up
Zero voltage should be considered acceptible. It starts low possibly but will increase over time.
My fish started jumping so I knew it was to high. Lol
So, I took note of my acans after seeing this thread and noticed that I also had some on either a slow decline or not doing as well as I would like. Here are some of the changes that got mine back into shape.

Reduced my flow of my neptune WAVs from 45% down to a max of 30%, dropped my radions from a peak of 50% to a peak of 45%, increased feeding. I also moved a couple of them to lower flow locations. All of them have responded really well, except for one.

I have a large bowerbanki that has receded a lot. This was the one that got me to take action overall. I tried cuttign a soda bottle and giving it some isolated targeted feedings and that helped a lot. Then the other day I noticed that my fox face was picking at it when the lights were out....

I've had a few of these guys over the years and I've never seen a one spot foxface go after corals. I'll be spending some time trying to catch him this weekend.
Well I tried interceptor on my tank recently and the acan receding continued. I honestly think it's disease or bacteria it's odd though because I had a good say 20 acans and half of them died very slow and the rest showed signs of regression at least somewhat except for one Colony piece that really hasn't shown any signs of issues it's really weird

I have tried dipping all the remaining ones in traffic Marin Pro Coral cure and I'm not sure if it helps but we will see I think some get to the point where they're too far gone to stop you have to dip much sooner when noticing receding Maybe

My lights are plenty dim and I don't have too much flow I could get better at the feeding part but they don't seem as interested to eat when they're like this either. It's crazy back in March everything was so good and big and happy I added one that spread to all my other acans and I wish I knew which one it was but it's definitely a common problem it seems they mainly affect acans the only other thing I noticed it possibly affect was some chalices
Sounds like a absolute nightmare tbh , I've sorted my stray voltage issue out by grounding the tank , tested all my levels tonight and I'm happy with those and even confirmed results with ati test soloution to see how accurate my test kits actually are , salifert mag , Nyos calcium , salifert dkh practically bang on, changed my gac and added a small amount of rowa as haven't run that for a few weeks , I'm dosing ati essentials with doser everything is rock stable , temp controller aswell keeping it cool , still recession continues , I've got a few options, lab test which I will do if that comes back clear, then I have prazipro which contains the main active ingredient of interceptor (praziquantel) , or I could just do a triton detox and do the prazi treatment and hope for the best , decisions decisions... in
I need to look into the stray voltage thing. Hear bad things about grounding your tank though but i dunno
Just wondering what you found out about acans

Just wondering what you found out about acans

Having the same problem and wondering if anything you tried worked. Would love to get some info to help correct acan problem.:fun5:
Yea its been frustrating... My tank was acan dominate and now I have close to none...

They slowly recede from the outside rim into the middle until there is nothing left ...