Anyone else having Acan issues?

No shrimp ... The fish I have never have been the issue from what I have seen.... A mata tang I thought was an issue was removed and it still continued ... It has to be some sort of disease acan specific.

I lost so many acans it's insane .... I tried so many dips and things to save them and it only at best just slowed down the dying process....
I had similar experience and never found the reason. In my case , I had 2 survive. My first guess is too much flow. Have you tried checking at night say an hour after total lights out and shine a flashlight on the acans and see if any pest is on it?
Yea my tank has very few sps so there isnt too much flow... Mostly lps abd softies.

And yea I have looked at night and never seen anything but I have heard of super tiny bugs that bother acans ... I did interceptor doses on my tabk.... I had all the acans out dipped in bayers ...dipper in tropic marin pro coral cure... Its been a solid yea and 3 months at least of slowbdeath with no solution
Have you tried dipping then placing in quarantine? If it is a pest it could re-infest after dipping if they are placed back in the system. If quarantine stops the death, you could try the equivalent of a fallow period where all acans are in their own "clean" system while whatever has been attacking them hopefully dies off in the display.
Would the qtank need any sort of meds being ran in? Or just tank water to keep out from display? Weird thing is all my nice ones seemed like the first to go ... The most plane jane one I have seems untouched this far ...

Seems this parasite or disease has fine taste
I would run it as a completely separate system to avoid possible re-contamination, don't use water or rock/etc from your display. I would dip, then place into quarantine for observation, if they continue to decline I would consider medication, but I do not know what to recommend for that.

I feel that if there is a parasite in the display and you dip then return to the display you could be reintroducing them to a contaminated environment and that may explain why you are only seeing a slowdown of their recession.
For the record, I am only offering ideas since it seems you've tried everything else.

For dips, I use MECoral dip and Bayer depending on what I have on hand.

I have been thankfully (coral) pest free so far, so I can't speak directly to their effectiveness aside from that.