Anyone else having issues with their euphyllia?

True. I'm not doubting your skills calibrating this, I am sure they are well above par, but in my case, I also had a bad calibrating solution to start with and all these combine to create a total clusterf#*k for me.
Ive read where people had bad calibration fluid before. My refractometer gets calibrated with distilled or rodi water. Im sure there are more expensive and more accurate meteres out there (mine was a gift given to me) but so far, well as far as i know, mine has a fairly close reading. Im actually curious to see how the salinity tests against a good name brand refractometer.
My fluid wasn't the problem. Apparently, over a year's time, I managed to rust the calibrating screw/nob and that's what made it inaccurate (?).
With respect to cyano (yes,this is still related to the euphyllia topic) drastic changes in salinity and/or temp-- LOCALLY and for only SECONDS-- can start the cyano. "Anecdotally speaking", I have a 40g shrimp broodstock tank with a cryptic 10g sump, no ATO. I have super high flow in the 40g and minimal t5 lighting 4ft above. When I just hurriedly top off with two gallons in the sump, you can see where the powerhead picks up the diluted water from the return. That's EXACTLY where the cyano grows aggressively. Until I get a new electric float switch for the ATO... yada yada. Nathan, pls consider any local dilution of your water when topping off. If it's hitting your Euphyllia or cyano, I'm sure others on this forum can give you suggestions to correct that for your particular system.
Hey Nathan,

Just to share some of my issues on your post for others. As I mentioned before I had many issues, Salinity, Temp, dead pump, etc. I lost a few heads of Frogspawn, I lost a few heads of Hammer and another Frogspawn I got from Roger not too long ago was also showing signs of almost dying.

By fixing all the above, these corals are coming back.
The head at the bottom of the picture was 99% gone and now it is showing some tentacles and flesh. I think this is coming back.

The head in the center of the picture touching the sand is too far gone, but the two heads on the left are making a comeback from almost the same state.

All these hammer heads were 99% gone and they are all coming back.

I guess I caught this in time and might be able to save all my LPS corals. I really hope that your tank recovers quick too. I know how hard we all work to keep these animals in our homes alive and well.
Amen. Wish I had pics to document like webmanny... I pray I won't need to in the future! I'll never chalk the problem up to something global or complicated again!
Hey guys a quick update. I took pictures of one of my Frogspawns two weeks ago and today. Just wanted to share them with the team.

As you know, I brought most of the affected corals to the sand and waited for things to get better.

Before/two weeks ago(you can see the breach closer to the camera is almost gone):

After/Today(the same branch is full of living tissue and inflating):
Progress is looking good manny. Hopefully mine start turning around. All mine currently look like the top pic lol
Hey Nathan,

Have you moved them to the sand and do they still have some tissue left?

I really hope yours come around too soon. If they don't, I'll make sure the next frag I make from mine, goes to you to help you rebuild.

Keeping my fingers crossed for yours.
I moved all that i could to the sand. I have a 4 head, well now 3 head octospawn that is glued very very well to my top rock and a 3 head purple hammer glued very very well on the top rock as well. there are some on the sand bed that i know are goners for sure. But as of now im kinda past the worrying stage as all my high dollar ones already perished. Im focusing on kepping my water levels stable and making sure my 4 head cornbred hellfire torch lives, i paid $125 for a single head from him :'( im keeping my fingers crossed as well.
I moved all that i could to the sand. I have a 4 head, well now 3 head octospawn that is glued very very well to my top rock and a 3 head purple hammer glued very very well on the top rock as well. there are some on the sand bed that i know are goners for sure. But as of now im kinda past the worrying stage as all my high dollar ones already perished. Im focusing on kepping my water levels stable and making sure my 4 head cornbred hellfire torch lives, i paid $125 for a single head from him :'( im keeping my fingers crossed as well.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you too buddy I'm still following, waiting for updates.
Ok. So by now you should've found the culprit(s) of the mysterious frogspawn killer. Lmao. Sounds like the title of a badly written murder mystery!
No i havent found the killer lol by the looks of it the dying has stopped, or slowed down dramatically. I ended up loosing all my octospawn, all my prized colored hammers (just have a few heads of purple tip hammer left) and i have 2 heads of basic frogspawn (go figure my least favorite coral in the tank AND it was a freebie from cornbred lol) and my 3 head cornbred hell fire torch survived, which currently has 2 heads splitting. I have no idea what happened or caused the mass die off of my euphyllia. Its almost like my tank went thru a cycle when i changed lighting. After i went to led i got a huge algae outbreak and cyano everywhere, the tank was 100% algae free for 2 years before the light upgrade. Is it the actual cause, i have no idea. But thru all this my zoas were growing like crazy and my sps (even tho most of them were engulfed in cyano) are growing like crazy, especially my birdsnest, it has easily doubled in size over the past 2 weeks.
Still no more dead heads? I've been losing at least one a week then it will stop/slow down and then I fine more melting. This is a really sad process :/
Still no more dead heads? I've been losing at least one a week then it will stop/slow down and then I fine more melting. This is a really sad process :/

This is crazy. I can tell you that in my case, the dying stopped. However, I fixed many things in my tank.

  • Bad salt = Fixed
  • Bad return pump (Which was causing the display tank to get hot) = Fixed
  • New LED/T5 hybrid light = Fixed (moved all euphyllia corals to the sand and to the corners of the tank and then I am slowly bringing them back up)
I have been using saltwater from one of the lfs because I thought it might be my water. I don't have any pumps that get hot and I've been running the same leds since I set up the tank. Maybe less light would help? It's killing me to watch my big colonies just take a dump one by one
I have been using saltwater from one of the lfs because I thought it might be my water. I don't have any pumps that get hot and I've been running the same leds since I set up the tank. Maybe less light would help? It's killing me to watch my big colonies just take a dump one by one
Im right there with you. Ive lost just about all my euphyllia at this point except for my torch, that thing is a fighter. Basically i dont ever want to buy euphyllia again. Ive spent hundreds of dollars on them (for the more rare colors) just to watch them all die in a months time.. meanwhile i have SPS in the tank that is growing like weeds. Funny how ive managed to kill all my beginner coral while my "expert" coral is doing amazing, knock on wood. Ive tested my water, had lfs test my water, ive played around with the led brightness %, ive done 2-3 water changes a week, changed filter floss daily and sometimes twice a day, changed purigen and chemipure elite once a month instead of once every 3 months. Its almost like one euphyllia infected the other and spreads until all that cant fight the fight are dead. Im glad manny was able to recover some of his, i hope his success continues
Hey guys, I feel your pain. I'm thinking about anything else I might have some that might have had a positive impact and the only thing that comes to mind is the activated carbon.

I recall adding fresh carbon to the sump days after thing started to die.

Do either of you run carbon in you tanks?

Don't lose hope, we will find this soon and learn something as a group.

I have a feeling the answer is starting at us in the face, but we haven't brought it to focus.
Almost sounds like a combo of too clean of water and too much light, which go hand in hand. Hate it when this kind of mystery happens. I recently had my blue Millies and all encrusting montis die while other Millie ( rose and Scripps) actually colored up. So I did a wc and ran carbon which cleaned up the water and hurt the frogspawn that is up high in the tank while the frogspawn and hammer lower in the tank are completely fine.