Anyone here from Long Island

Corpus Callosum

Premium Member
Hi, I'm in long island and get my water from MLWD (Manhasset Lakeville Water District). Just wondering if anyone else gets water from them or knows their water report (or how I can find out). I have their number on me but they're closed for now so just figured I'd see if anyone knows it already before I give them a call on Monday..


Hey I live in West hempstead.And as far as the water concerned,even if the water quality is decent,you are going to want to use R.O./D.I. for your reef tank.It will save a lot of headaches in the long run,and you can tee the unit off,so that you only get R.O.water for drinking. Anthony
I know I will probably need a RO/DI unit but all I have is a 10 gallon nano reef and don't have any plans of upgrading in the next 3 years. If my water report comes to show my water isn't that bad quality I should be able to get away with a cheap RO/DI unit, which is what I'm hoping for so do you have any comments on the water quality?


It okay to use LI water to wash your car or water your lawn, but I wouldn't drink it or put it in my fish tank.

Do yourself a favor, especially with your proximity to Brookhaven National Lab, buy a good RO/DI system and use it for drinking water and for your fish tank.

Yeah my parents are too afraid to drink that **** so they just buy bottled water, but I think I can convince them a good RO/DI unit would be much better and money saving on the long run. What would you recommend as a good unit for the whole house ?
I'm going to just make another post about that since it doesn't have much to do with long island anymore, thanks for the help new yorkers.
live in oceanside

i am using britta filtered water for top-off
carbon filtered water for make-up water with no ill effects

Hey Sci, I'm in Franklin Square and I have West Hempstead/Hemstead gardens water. I'm on the end of the line and it terrible. I don't let my dog drink it. I installed a under the sink R/O unit and attached a D/I to it with a 2gal storage tank. It has a tap faucet mounted on the sink. I use it for cooking, drinking, reeftank whatever. I also have a water bottle unit and have water delievered in 5 gal bottles. You have hot or cold water at the tap and it's not expensive at all. In a 10 nano your not going to need that much water anyway. Take the advise of fellow Long Islanders use a R/O unit, or even the TWP D/I unit your tank will thank you later.

Didn't realize our water was that bad.. and they WONDER why there's a high risk of breast cancer over here.

Thanks' for the info scuba and mike,

mike - how many GPD is your unit and how fast does it fill a medium to large sized pot? I cook as much as my mom does so it's important to me as well. Oh and how often do you change your filter media? just wondering thanks...

(by the way I decided to go with a RO/DI unit, working it out with Dave)

Sci, my R/O unit has a 2 gal storage tank which refills in about 3-4 hours. Which is good for me because I use about 2 gallons a day in evaporation for my reeftank. It's connected directly to the cold water supply to the sink. I warm the water up before I add it to the reeftank. The storage tank and unit fit under the sink. The filter changing intervals will depend on a number of factors like how bad your water is to begin with and how much are you going to use it. I have been using more than 2-3 gallons a day and the filters are in there since last June and the water quality is still good.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=482366#post482366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Corpus Callosum
I know I will probably need a RO/DI unit but all I have is a 10 gallon nano reef and don't have any plans of upgrading in the next 3 years. If my water report comes to show my water isn't that bad quality I should be able to get away with a cheap RO/DI unit, which is what I'm hoping for so do you have any comments on the water quality?


If you've only got the nano and no plans to upgrade for awhile you might consider buying your water...Wal Mart sells jugs of distilled water for less than 70 cents a gallon. I'm sure you wouldn't top off more than a gal a week, right?

This way when you do go bigger you don't have to buy a better RO / DI to replace a crappy one; you only buy once

(ex LIer, BTW)
If you dont mind a ride east on the LIE. Long Island Fish and Reef sells premixed 0.19sg water for 1.25$ a gallon (made in store)and ro/di for 1$. its only 1 minute from the xpressway at exit 59. Country critters seels Ro/DI for .50$ a gallon but is another 10 minutes away closer to sunrise hwy.

I would just bring 10 5gal jugs downa nd getum filled with saltwater. that would last ya what 2 and half months.

But for real buy a good ro/di and use it to make your own drinking water. thats the hot ticket no more 1$ bottles.

who's up for a LI frag swap? anyone want some xenia/zoa's/buttonpolyps?
I live in New Hyde Park and only use RO/DI for my reef tank. Most of Long Island is well water and very hard.