Anyone keep a 8in or more queen trigger with other fish

hey marrone whats your personal experience with these. i notice you always have a lot to say on these subjects and am just wondering what you keep or have kept.
Mine was about 8 inches when she turned mean. Left the 8 inch puffer alone, but she did chase the sargassum trigger and made it hide all the time. It was smaller about 3.5-4 inches. The queen now lives in her own personal tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6943684#post6943684 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by I like Triggers
hey marrone whats your personal experience with these. i notice you always have a lot to say on these subjects and am just wondering what you keep or have kept.

I've been keeping salt water fish for over 25 years and fresh for about 15 years more. I've either had or know people that have had almost any fish that you can get. I've also know and have known people that have owned LFS & wholesalers and have help them in the past. On top of that I've setup countless tanks and given advise to people on fish. I have had fish live over 20 years and currently have a # that are over 15 years, would of had some older one but I lost some fish when the women above me flood her apartment and the water and garbage drip down into my tanks and killed a good amount of my fish.

So I have a lot of experience in salt water fish.

Currently I had 4 tanks, which I down size from 6 a while ago as it was just to many and I want to take back my apartment. I have a 58gal reef, a 75gal Fowlr tank that was a reef back in the mid 80's and has been running since them. I also have 2 -260gal tanks side by side, I went with the two 6' tank instead of the one 12' tank as it will let me place more different fish in both tanks than if I had one large tank. When I moved, about 13 year ago I had some larger tanks that I left behind.

My current fish list is:


Clown(Just got rid of it)
Black Durgen

HW Dragon
Snow Flake

Blue Line
Orange Shoulder
Desjardini Sailfin
Fuji Foxface
Red Spotted Rabbitface
Scribble Rabbitfish

Red Breasted Wrasse
Marine Betta
Napoleon Wrasse
Digrammus Wrasse
Blue Spotted Grouper
Starkie Damsel
Sargocentron Spiniferum Squirrel fish
Sunrise Basslet
Cats Eye Basslet
Orchiard Dottback
Hugh Ugly Damsel

Over the years I have had countless other fish. I usually stay away from the fish that are very hard and have bad track records of making it.
Thats bad to see 2 large angels and 2 large mean triggers is an 80. I almost purchased a baby queen for my 75g as it would be the only fish in there for a while until I got it a bigger tank when it got 5+ inches. But I could not live with the thought of having to get a 300+ gallon tank to keep it in with by itself. So I did the right thing and did not get it. Sometimes its more fun to want something than to actually have it!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6946848#post6946848 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marrone
Over the years I have had countless other fish. I usually stay away from the fish that are very hard and have bad track records of making it.

Can you elaborate on this list of difficult fish that you mentioned please?

I had a 9" queen trigger in my 210 for a long time. She was always the boss of the tank, but didn't attack anyone for quite a while. She even jumped out of the tank and took a 6' fall and laid on the floor for some time undiscovered and still managed to live.

Then one day she changed. She started charging the tank when putting your face near the tank, and took two huge bites out of my maroon clown (specifically, the top and side fins of the clown, which amazingly are in the process of growing back). Even after this attack, she got along fairly well with her tankmates. I could tell she needed to be in a different tank and sold her to another guy on RC. She's much happier now in his 300 gal and apparently getting bossed around by a crosshatch (not usually that aggressive).

She paced the entire length of my tank and kept mostly to the top of the tank. QTs are open water fish so that should give you an idea of the space needs. They are great fish, just need to watch them so you can get them a new home if and when the time comes.
the fish store i work at has one thats about 10 inches with a 5 foot zebra moray. it used to be with a snowflake, and zebra, 2 puffers, and a volitan (HUGE) but the trigger and zebra were moved to a new tank.