Anyone looking for a frag pack? I've got 1 or 2.


Premium Member
Hey everyone,

I have a few frag packs for sale. These are all sps corals grown from my own tank. All of my mother colonies were grown from frags.
The pack will include 1" frags of each of the following:

Green Slimer
Blue Tenuis
Teal Staghorn Acro
Red Cap
Tyree Idhao Grape
ORA Green Birdsnest
Cali Blue Tort
Pink Birdsnest

The cost of the pack will be $200 picked up. I will have a few of these available as I need to do some tank trimming.

The pack will also include a freebie of my choice. I have attached pics of 1 actual pack ready to ship.

Blue Tenuis, Green Slimer, ORA Birdsnest

Teal Stag, Red Monti, Idaho Grape

Cali tort, Pink Birdnest

If you have any questions please contact me here via pm or email at:


Are you aware the country is going throe an economic catastrophe ? Those are not friendly numbers. A double digit # would have a better response. The frags are definetly worth the $ 200, but maybe in 2009 after the $ goes up again.
Nice frag pack Mike!

I've gotten corals from him before, and seen his tank, and dang they're both amazing. He's got really impressive stuff, and I've never had a problem with keeping it alive, short of once piece that was my own mistake.

And he needs to save up some money to give his Sohal a newer, bigger home :p
Hey Eric, thanks for the kind words.

These are still up for grabs, lowest I can go picked up is $175.

That works out to $20/frag.
i too can vouch that everything ive gotten from him are not only some of the nicest ones ive seen but ther also very generous sized!
im in the process of upgrading to a bigger tank and would def like to get a frag pack from you. keep me in the loop for next time u need to trim.
Hey everyone thanks so much kind words again.

I have two of these left for sale at the local pickup price.

