Anyone out there have pictures of their Christmas Tree Rock?


New member
Up close.
<img src="" width=600 height=600>

<img src="" width=600 height=471>

Does anyone else want to share pictures of their X-mas trees?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7736753#post7736753 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thor32766
christmas trees are sweet!


I can't find a lot of info about them or people posting about them though. :(
I enjoyed putting this one together ...

I bought this at a shop in North Myrtle Beach SC. I counted around 37 that were out at one time. The rock weighs at least 3 lbs. I think I got a good price at $50.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7761983#post7761983 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by raddogz
Do the worms continue to populate the rock as time passes?

Yes they do, and new worms will grow as the rock grows.
It's actually not a rock, it's a porites coral, and the worms live inside of the coral, symbiotically feeding off of the slime that the coral produces. I currently have two new worms making tubes. As the coral grows, the worms grow and extend their tubes.