Anyone using led's


New member
Interested in upgrading from 400w MH to led on my 225g. Anyone using leds already? What kind and how many?
go to the lighting and DIY section and theres ALOT of big tank owners using them. especially AI's
My sps is growing well and coloring up very nice
I am concern of of the red polyps on my red planet since i read some reefer having issues with red pigmentation long term so I bought a tiny but colorful frags from Chad.
It's very bright red right now under LEDs than his 400 watts radium
So I will let you know in a week if they are not great with red..
Also I wish I kept the metal halide and LEDs combo it seems its better since some corals do well under metal and some under LEDs :(
Maybe 2 LEDs on the side and metal halide on the middle for you
Then your power consumption will drop and maybe DWP will owe you money or you can have a frag tank in the garage :)
Jabel,I am in transition right now,using the 8.5 x 18 inch HS with XPGs white and XPE RB,hope by end of year,I will be done. Definitely a general coral grower and grows sps well and my fixture will be 48 bulb,may use more RB next time to get the blue hue similar to 14k to 20k. I will post some pics of my fixture,on my first one,we used all XPEs,50/50 ratio but added 11 xpgs in the middle for a high noon blast. So there will be three heatsinks for my 225,a friend is helping me out.