Anyones slimer ever turn lavender?


New member
I went on vacation for a week and left my brother in charge of my tank. When i get back my bright green slimer is now lavender with green polyps. My lighting hasnt change and everything else in my tank is fine. Any ideas on how this happened? The coral looks fine just a huge color change.
Mine did... there happened to be a raise in phospate and the halides were ready for a change so hard to say which one made the diff, but after a bulb change and a 25% water change, slimer is back to green.
all right here it is

all right here it is

Well here she goes. My slimer was bright green before i went on vacation and when i got back this is what she turned into. The coral is not bleaching because its been almost a month since ive been back and no change. Also everything else in the tank has retained color. Theres a little die off in the bottom left of the coral but thats been like that for about six months and it hasnt spread since.
Crazy cool, you now have a purple slimer with green pylops!! You might beable to get some serious money for that, tell it to grow faster :D

It's weird... Mine is doing that too, butits a little darker in color. I don't understand why cause nothing else in the tank has changed. I bought it a few weeks ago and it is turning color.
If it is a slimer it doesnt look or grow like anyone I have ever seen.

I'm not too sure that it is a slimer, do you have a clearer pic?

Or maybe if you could take in a zoomed in pic on the corallite structure.