Apex app, Provided Cd.exe and all other methods of accessing my apex wont work???


New member
Background: I have had the apex for a little over a year now and I love it. Everyday I access my apex from a dyndns account that I have routed to it. Recently the apex hasn't been updating the app so I reset my router and checked my dns account to make sure it was still forwarding everything and all is well, Except when I try to access my apex. I also tried from my home network typing in the appropriate IP adress and I get the "cannot display page" error. I unplugged the apex head unit and took out the ethernet cable and other usb cables and let it sit for 1 minute, replugged everything and tried accessing it again from the app. It worked for a millisecond then the app returned the error "cannot connect to host" Any ideas? what can I do? I have eliminated all other options other than the apex itself i.e. router dyndns account etc. and nothing seems to work.

HELP!!! Everything is still running fine but not seeing the graphs is driving me crazy.
A little more background would help...

The "app"; is that something you wrote? Missing graphs, part of the program you wrote?

I'm guessing here but it sounds like the Apex may have been granted a different IP address, likely when you rebooted the Apex? Have you checked to see if the IP address you expect the Apex to be at is still correct?
The app I'm speaking about is the iphone apex application. It has an apex finding function built into it. It will identify the apex on my network but for some reason it wont connect to it. When I reset my router I made sure that I noted the new IP address of the router so the IP address is not the problem I know it for the apex. The problem seems to be with the apex, after resetting everything router, dyndns account etc. the apex doesn't seem to want to connect to anything (my computer, iphone app or even when I use the cd and search for it on my network I can find it but it wont show anything on my screen.)

Hope I provided a bit more info.

Yes, I have it forwarded through another port which I append when trying to access it. Still no luck. Doesn't the application automatically do that also? It seems as though it does when searching for an apex on your network either way I've tried both.
Yes, I have it forwarded through another port which I append when trying to access it. Still no luck. Doesn't the application automatically do that also? It seems as though it does when searching for an apex on your network either way I've tried both.

No, it does not search for Apex when using a public internet connection. It can work within a private network as it is able to resolve the network name (Apex) and resolve to an address. Imagine what the list would look like if it could find all Apex units on the internet :)

Does your router have port forwarding to the correct internal port? Most routers can forward to a different port internal than external and you have to have the configurations correct. I prefer to test using a phone browser and then transfer the address to an application after I see it working.
The app on my phone searched for the apex on my network not on the public net. It will identify it and just as you said I use that IP address to access my apex and it always works until now. The apex will show up and I can access it for a split second and then it returns the error message cannot connect to server. Yes my router has port forwarding and yes it is set up correctly. Any other ideas? Still not working.

I can access it for a split second and then it returns the error message cannot connect to server.

Have you tried just to delete that controller definition from the phone app, then re-add it?
Yes I have also done that multiple times and the app will find the apex,add the definition and update the app for about 1 second, after that the error comes up cannot connect to server.