apex keeps emailing because temp keeps changing


New member
I have my email alarm setup to email if PH or temp is out of range and a 60 minute delay on re-emailing. Issue is when the temp is 76.9 or 77.0 it will constantly email. I'm assuming because the temp keeps changing from 76.9 to 77 which triggers the alarm, but skips the 60 min delay. What can I do to change this? is there a wait 10 minutes to try again?

If Power EB8_3 Off 001 Then ON
If Temp > 82.0 Then ON
If Temp < 77.0 Then ON
If pH > 08.30 Then ON
If pH < 07.80 Then ON
If Outlet ontoolong = ON Then ON
If Outlet overflow = ON Then ON
If Outlet Skimmerfull = ON Then ON
If Switchx5_1 CLOSED Then ON
The easiest thing to do in my opinion would be to just to change the temp line to read.
If Temp < 76.0 Then ON

You could also (I think) use the defer statement at the end of the code, but then it would be true for the whole program.

Will the defer after the end instantly email me when it is below. then defer for 60 mins before triggering again?

or defer for 60 minutes then email me, then defer, then email me again?

If my tank is overflowing I don't want to wait 60 minutes to receive an email. I don't mind waiting 60 minutes for a second email (which is already how it is)
Defer statement in the email outlet means it waits until any of the statement is true for the amount of time you specify before sending an email So if you set it for 60 minutes there could be a problem.
However there is a way around this. Create a virtual outlet call it outemp of what ever you want. In that code put

If Temp > 82.0 Then ON
If Temp < 77.0 Then ON
Defer 5:00 Then ON

Now remove the temp statements from the email outlet and replace it with.

If Outlet outemp = ON Then ON

That will give you a five minute window for the temp, or change it to whatever value you like.
If you put a 1 minute defer on your alarm outlet, the alarm must be true for 1 minute. If not, like your temp goes back down, then no alarm. If the alarm is still true after 1 minute then you get notified and your re-email timer starts.