apex reading salinity high

does anyone have a issue with there 2016 apex reading high, mine reads 40 and ill check with my milwakee digital refractometer and ill get 1.026 every time?
I seem to remember seeing numerous posts related to accuracy issues with the apex salinity probe..

Have you calibrated recently?
Located close to any other electrical devices or running the wires near lighting,etc...?
It's likely that you either just need to re-calibrate it or adjust the temp compensation number until you find a number that matches your Milwaukee reading. It's also critical that the calibration solution be the same temp as the tank water where your temp probe is located. I float the calibration solution bags in the sump next to the temp probe before calibrating. This goes for any probe calibration on any controller.
I don't use a salinity probe, but if I did...

I would use it not as an absolute value, but as a way to alert me to a problem, like a leak or ATO failure.
Calibrating them is a major pain; plus any debris that gets caught inside the probe will give a wonky reading. Just the other day mine jumped from 36 to 48 ..... and set off all the alarms and whistles. A quick clean with a soft toothbrush returned things to normal. Reinforces for me the folly of relying on probes or switches to trigger actions unless there is redundancy.
its in the first chamber of my biocube 29 with all the probes with a heater, algae scrubber and skimmer

That's probably about the worst place you can put it. The salinity probe should be in a dark place free of microbubbles. Skimmers and scrubbers can produce microbubbles. Also, if light is leaking out of the scrubber, alage will build up on the probe tip. Both the bubbles and algae can cause erroneous readings. Also, the heater can cause issues as well if the probe is close to it. The first thing I would try is taking a toothbrush to it and cleaning the tip. If you didn't let the probe sit in the tank water for several days to break in, it may need recalibration as well. If it were me, I'd clean it and move it to a different location to see if the readings change. If not, you will likely need to recalibrate.