aqua connect bulbs

They claim from Germany, but rumors are this bulb is actually made in Japan. So not sure if it really even ships from there. It goes to a place in California first and then they reship to us. SO we can't see the orignal bill of lading etc.

I see....even if they're made in japan, it's good to hear that...from peoples experiences....they are much better than some of those cheap alternatives people are using that come from japan.

Jason, since I already ordered the bulb will I get an email when you guys are shipping me my bulb? Thanx.

Read SanJay's comparison of the AquaConnect vs Phoenix vs many other 250 W DE bulbs. Quite interesting...

Jeremy & Jason,

Do you think Premium will stock the Phoenix bulbs once they become available. I've got about 6 mos. left on my AC's.

Hi Luis,

We do have Phoenix bulbs on order, probably end of Febuary. They will be lower in price, but also will be a "no warranty" bulb. According to the information we received, Phoenix is not allowed to export there bulb, so there is a place that buys them in Japan and ships to Hong Kong and then sells them. So the bulbs technically are not suppose to be here, probably a contract with Aquaconnect. So that means you can't file a warranty claim, but on the plus side, out of all the AC bulbs we have sold, only had 1 or 2 bad ones. Another story we got was the place in Singapore selling the bulbs actually got from the Hong Kong company and never paid, so selling stolen bulbs basically.

We are not sure who to believe, and we are doing some research. We have some family looking into Phoenix in Japan right now and see if we can get the entire story of what is going on.

On a plus note, during our research, we believe we have found a Phoenix 10K bulb as well, so hopefully can get a full line out of them.
