Aqua Medic Reeflex Cube ballast question


New member
I know I want to start my 125 with Radium bulbs. If I go with the Reeflex Cube/Radium combo, and then later I decide I want to try another bulb, what would my options be? Are there other nice bulbs out there that can be paired safely with that magnetic HQI ballast? Can you run some of the cheaper bulbs like Plusrite on it? (not saying I would use the plusrites, but you never know what the future holds) Just looking for opinions from some of you more experienced hobbyists. If I choose the Lumatek switchable ballast, I'll have endless combinations but my understanding is that the Radiums will not look as nice.
About halfway down this link:
is a chart with recommended ballast for several SE bulbs.

The Lumatek switchable is really the next best thing, and a close second at that, to running the M80 magnetics. Just the versatility of the ballast is worth the slight underperformance- if any- you would get over the magnetic. FWIW, I have used both a Lumatek switchable and M80 to run Radiums...and I preferred the Lumatek. It just had slightly more blue, but looked great.
Thanks a bunch for that. I'm gonna read the link now but I appreciate your experienced feedback. I've been back and forth between the two. I'm glad to know that there's not that much difference between the 2 appearance wise. I do love the idea of the flexibility that the Lumatek provides.
I have a stupid question about the Radiums and the Pheonix SE bulbs. Since these bulbs are listed as HQI, do you have to have a protective UV glass between the bulb and tank like you do with the DE HQI bulbs? I just started thinking about that.