I see your point. Just make sure that the skimmer gets as much direct RAW water from the overflow and that should maximize the skimmers efficiency for your set up. Can you post some more pics of the sump and box?
Also, are you contemplating a new sump down the road?
I see your point. Just make sure that the skimmer gets as much direct RAW water from the overflow and that should maximize the skimmers efficiency for your set up. Can you post some more pics of the sump and box?
Also, are you contemplating a new sump down the road?
I see your point. Just make sure that the skimmer gets as much direct RAW water from the overflow and that should maximize the skimmers efficiency for your set up. Can you post some more pics of the sump and box?
Also, are you contemplating a new sump down the road?
Hey Tivo, I noticed that when it restarts after being off sometime in the first five minutes of running it foams up really fast, overflows about 3/4" of water into the cup, then settles in. What causes this?
Less internal head pressure on the pump at start up. Your level may also be a touch too high. Mine has been broken in for a long time now and settles right back down in a couple seconds so no need for concern. Yours will settle down!
Hi andy01748Pictures of sump set-up
nice!!! post some pics of it up and running when you can. I wouldn't worry too much about the extra energy from the pump. The pump is proven and should add some peace of mind.I just picked up the JNS version here in Thailand. It had a different impeller again, blue with three concentric rows of pins, apart from that it is the same. i have 10 inches of water in my skimmer chamber, so I will have to raise it up a little.
JNS skimmer arrived yesterday. I broke it in with a squirt of dish soap and ran it in a container in the sink for 30 minutes then turned on the faucet until there were no more suds.
As of last night, it was already getting a nice head on it. So far I like it better than the Vertex Omega 130 I have.
I just picked up the JNS version here in Thailand. It had a different impeller again, blue with three concentric rows of pins, apart from that it is the same. i have 10 inches of water in my skimmer chamber, so I will have to raise it up a little.
Hi andy01748
First time I've heard of running it with dish soap. Interesting!!!!
Hopefully the soap wouldn't add phosphates but sounds like you ran it pretty good before hand.
Get us some pics!!!
Happy Reefing
Hi andy01748
Just got a look at your sump! Would you consider doing a couple acrylic or glass baffles or is there just not enough height when you shut down the return? If you think you have enough room, you could shut down the skimmer for a couple days and just run the return pump in the container, then drain the outer sump area to work with the baffles. A simple over under with some 5/16 glass or acrylic cut sheets should be fine. If you use acrylic then you would not want it to fit tight against the glass. the acrylic will slightly expand when it warms with the tank temp so about a 1/16 gap would be best. A heavy dose of aquarium safe silicone would be needed on both sides for acrylic. Glass on the other hand would be ideal because it will not expand and will last longer against pressure with less silicone needed.
You can get glass or acrylic cut at many places and two sheets would be pretty cheap.