aquapod 24 gal questions


New member
me amd my wife got our new aquapod in today witht he 150w mh and moon lights
i need to know what you all might sugest for a skimmer for it ?
also need to knoe what you sugest for the filter media theres alot of room in the filter compartment.
it came with foam and bio balls and ceramic bio tubes .
help me set this up right
Keep up with your weekly 10% water changes and you can do without the skimmer. Get rid of the bio balls, ceramic rings, and only use 1 sponge cut in half or filter floss. I also use ChemiPure and Purigen in my nanos. Put some LR rubble in the back along with some chaeto. Add a light and you have a fuge. Nano with 150W HQI, did it come with a chiller? Let see some pics!!!!
ill add picks tomorrow
filling it now
maybe we can talk on the phone about the tank and what i can do
good ideas something to think about
I have the same set up. Don't know if I'm who you want to talk to since I seem to have an outrageous algae problem in it.

I hooked up one standard fan on an eggcrate shelf that blows under the sunpod light fixture and have had NO problem with heat.

I have the Tunze skimmer in the right hand back compartment and it works great. Pulls a LOT of gunk.

The corals and a clam in the tank are doing great, but so is the hair algae. I think I'm just running lights too long and probably overfeeding.

Good Luck!
I had no choice about the pump because the one that came with my Aquapod was DOA. I think the replacement is a Maxijet 900 not sure .... its whatever most of the people on the nano threads were recommending. It doesn't seem to be quite enough. I added one of the tiny Tunze powerheads to get a little more flow and put Hydors on both.

I also never had the glass cover because I modified a PC version to metal halide. I would think that the condensation would cut down on your light with a glass cover, but if not it might reduce evaporation.

With the open cover and extra fan I lose more evaporation in this little 24 gallon than my 55 which has way more water movement.