Hey everyone. So I have had a 55g aquarium: Fluval 404 canister a two Powerheads 802 with filter attachments running. I have lava rock and no live coral or anemones.
When I started I had various damsels and hardy fish. that came and gone. I got a pair of tank raised clowns at the LFS the first year. 4 yrs in I added a Black Domino which became highly aggressive towards the clowns. (The female especially). After about 2 weeks I finally removed the Domino. My female clown died shortly after. Fearing the worst I picked up a new tank raised clown hoping my original would pair up. THEY DID and to my surprise my established male turned female and grew twice in size. I have had this pair of clowns now for 21 YEARS!! Yes I said 21 yrs this Oct. There have not been any other tank mates now for about 6-7 yrs. I still see them lay eggs and tend to them but my tank isn’t exactly pristine for hatching and tank breeding. But I feel my clown pair are HEALTHY living this long.
My question. I’ve wanted to downgrade to a smaller tank. I was in a random pet store & a new JBJ Namo 12 w/ stand was on clearance (closing their fish room). I bought it. I want some advice here since I really have not had to do much anything with my 55g besides water changes and cleaning the power head filters mostly.
Will the JBJ nano12 stock tank/ equip be suitable for a tank swap for my clowns? They practically have lived in a part of the 55 gal that is no larger than the 12 gal. I see smaller Nanos with clown fish on counters all the time at offices and in pet stores. I’m so afraid of reducing their tank space and throwing them into a shock or something and breaking my LONG TIME success with them. They are literally my pets for almost 1/2 my life. I was considering moving their rock apartment as-is so to create a similar set up hoping to keep things familiar.
I also want to perhaps add an anemone or bubble tip for the clowns since they will be reduced in overall space.
I was thinking if the stock equip was not sufficient if I could even ditch my powerheads and just run my Fluval canister hose through the Nano compartment set up just to slow the water flow to the smaller tank. I Love my Fluval canister and know that probably sounds ridiculous to do. Or maybe I just buy a smaller Fluval canister?
I’m looking up videos about the NANO 12 and these new little tanks “appear” to be more advanced to handle a mini salt aquarium and clown pair pretty well right out of the box. Back when I started I was told minimal 55 gals is what I need for a fish salt aquarium.
I’m also thinking of moving from my current larger ground substrate to a sand. I would probably move a couple lbs of my current ground material to the new Nano with new Live sand to establish the tank for cycling.
Thanks for any advice Pics are of my clowns and the lava rock home they pretty much hang in.
When I started I had various damsels and hardy fish. that came and gone. I got a pair of tank raised clowns at the LFS the first year. 4 yrs in I added a Black Domino which became highly aggressive towards the clowns. (The female especially). After about 2 weeks I finally removed the Domino. My female clown died shortly after. Fearing the worst I picked up a new tank raised clown hoping my original would pair up. THEY DID and to my surprise my established male turned female and grew twice in size. I have had this pair of clowns now for 21 YEARS!! Yes I said 21 yrs this Oct. There have not been any other tank mates now for about 6-7 yrs. I still see them lay eggs and tend to them but my tank isn’t exactly pristine for hatching and tank breeding. But I feel my clown pair are HEALTHY living this long.
My question. I’ve wanted to downgrade to a smaller tank. I was in a random pet store & a new JBJ Namo 12 w/ stand was on clearance (closing their fish room). I bought it. I want some advice here since I really have not had to do much anything with my 55g besides water changes and cleaning the power head filters mostly.
Will the JBJ nano12 stock tank/ equip be suitable for a tank swap for my clowns? They practically have lived in a part of the 55 gal that is no larger than the 12 gal. I see smaller Nanos with clown fish on counters all the time at offices and in pet stores. I’m so afraid of reducing their tank space and throwing them into a shock or something and breaking my LONG TIME success with them. They are literally my pets for almost 1/2 my life. I was considering moving their rock apartment as-is so to create a similar set up hoping to keep things familiar.
I also want to perhaps add an anemone or bubble tip for the clowns since they will be reduced in overall space.
I was thinking if the stock equip was not sufficient if I could even ditch my powerheads and just run my Fluval canister hose through the Nano compartment set up just to slow the water flow to the smaller tank. I Love my Fluval canister and know that probably sounds ridiculous to do. Or maybe I just buy a smaller Fluval canister?
I’m looking up videos about the NANO 12 and these new little tanks “appear” to be more advanced to handle a mini salt aquarium and clown pair pretty well right out of the box. Back when I started I was told minimal 55 gals is what I need for a fish salt aquarium.
I’m also thinking of moving from my current larger ground substrate to a sand. I would probably move a couple lbs of my current ground material to the new Nano with new Live sand to establish the tank for cycling.
Thanks for any advice Pics are of my clowns and the lava rock home they pretty much hang in.