Aquarium Chemical Warfare


Premium Member
Over the past six months or so I've been observing a serious battle between some soft coral and a mushroom.

This picture is about five months old. Note the pink coral in the left of the picture with the one mushroom sitting nicely in the middle.


Here's a picture from a week ago:


The one mushroom has turned into four and almost killed everything on the rock. Even the zoos are retreating.

Yesterday I removed the shrooms from the rock and have killer shrooms for the next frag party!
Pretty shroom. Nice zoas. I have a like situation of position with a band of discosomas [purple, green-stripe, and neglecta] and after initial chemical fussing, they've snuggled up against my corals [candy cane, digitata, hammer] with apparent happiness on all sides. I've found the non-discosomas are a bit more aggro.