Aquarium Log Sheet

Ok I sent it out to all the folks that requested a copy, sorry for the impersonal response, it's been a really busy couple of days. I hope you all enjoy it, thanks for taking a shot on my work.



What program is this log is use to open or record the data?

Currently the sheet uses Excel.

I'd like to update you all as to why the past couple of days have been so busy. My brother works for a software development company and has taken interest in this sheet. We've been discussing creating a program based on the sheets format, this is very exciting for me. It would mean anyone could use it without having to have excel, and so much more. We are also debating creating an iPhone app based on the format.

I'd like to know from all of you if there is interest in this, and if so, what features would you like to see added. By going the route of a stand alone program we will not be constrained by the limits of excel. Your feedback could help shape a very exciting tool and resource for the community. Thank you all for your feedback.

Please do not leave us Droid users out; I would be more than glad pay for an app like this on my phone.
Meanwhile I will appreciate your time and effort to send me the current excel version to
+1 on android development. Might also be in your best interest to develop on that platform since they hold the majority of the market-share now :)

If you are looking for ideas here is what I use now:

The app is great, price is not, development is SLOW to non existent and can be buggy. Haven't found a better option though...
+1 on android development. Might also be in your best interest to develop on that platform since they hold the majority of the market-share now :)

If you are looking for ideas here is what I use now:

The app is great, price is not, development is SLOW to non existent and can be buggy. Haven't found a better option though...

wow that is expensive. Thanks for the info Kims.
I would love a copy of this as well. Been tagging a long for a bit and from the looks of it, this will be perfect!

Thanks MojaveReefer, and kudo's goes out as well to the original creator / mod's over the course of its lifespan.

jetjumper [AT] gmail [DOT] com

I'll be home tomorrow to get these out to folks, I'm out of town for the holiday. Thank you all for your patience, I have not forgotten about you.
