I got them sent out to all of you, thank you for being patient over the holiday.
Some folks have had a few weeks with the sheet now, I hope it is working out to your expectations, I would love to hear some feedback if you guys have the time. I'm still looking for ways to improve the sheet.
@Yinzer and Mav You're both welcome, it's my pleasure. Thank you for trying it out, I hope it's doing exactly what you hoped it would do.
Thanks Sean, got the copy. So far looks awesome. One thing I was thinking of altering is to have a "mini" graph on the first page that graphs the main 3. There was a template that I was going to work on modifying, see attached photo for reference.
I don't know if you like the idea, but thats what I was thinking of
The side values I was going to have as an average of the values that are most important.
I love the format but could the rang for temp be changed to show decimal place like 78.3 instead of 78 and a place to record the time you are testing could be use full with PH swings, And would like a feed column to help monitor feeding... just my thoughts Thank you for all the work you have done with this and sharing it with us all!
It's not a bad idea, just feels like too much in my opinion. There is a sheet that graphs the big 3 currently. If it is something that community would like to see I could try and make it happen, Just not necessary in my opinion. Keep coming with the feedback though, you may come up with something game changing. Thanks