Aquarium Log Sheet

I've been working 16's the past few days and again tonight, I'll get this to you guys this weekend. Sorry for the delay.

@lolgranny - I sent it out to you and got a no such address reply. I responded to you a while back. I'll try to send it out to that address again.

I would like one too please. Thanks.

I started to make one at first, but stopped using it because it wasnt very user friendly... My email is

Thank you!!

OOOOOhhh, please me too:


Please send one to me as well.

jcoate2004 (at) yahoo (dot) com


I would love a copy of this wonderful tool!



Could I please get a copy of this file? thanks

Could someone shoot me a copy of this? Its very well done!!!

I would appreciate it,
Thank you

I'd like to get a copy also when you have the chance. It's a lot nicer than the one I put together myself.

Thanks! :thumbsup:

Would love to try this log out. Send to

Thanks again for your time and effort.

Please add me to the list

Please add me to the email. Thanks in advance!

Could you please add me to the growing list. Looks like it could be very useful. thanks

I would appreciate a copy as well. Email is One thought, if you have a gmail account, you can post things like this in Google Docs and share it with a link. Maybe an option??? Thanks.

Okay I got it out to all of you. Apologies for the delay this go around, overtime at work has been brutal, many 16 hour days this past week and a half.

@Carlson41 - Google docs does not support everything the sheet is programmed to do, there is a lot of work done in visual basic, and soon the conditional formatting.

More on the Conditional formatting...this is the feature most requested to be added in. I have gone through a few iterations of it trying to get the cleanest formulas and code possible. I have a working version with the adjustable "Acceptable Range" and conditional formatting and it looks and works great, however, some folks (myself included) don't like the conditional formatting a lot.

My new addition currently being worked in is a button to disable the conditional formatting for users that do not want it, this is not a "built in" feature of excel and requires some working around with visual basic and creative formulas to achieve. You will be able to turn it on and view on target or out of tolerance cells at a glance, or turn it off and view the chart without colored cells. I should have this working the way I want it for a release within a week or two depending on how much time I get to sit here on the computer.

Thank you all again for trying this sheet out, it's been a great pleasure to share this, I hope it has been helpful to you all. I can't wait for you guys to see the updated version.

Note: This sheet is being created in Excel 2010, some conditional formatting, colors, etc. are not backwardly compatible with Excel 2007 or 2003. I'm doing my best to ensure all users will have the same experience but it will not always be possible. Most everything should be fine with Excel 2007, some will not work with 2003.

@Carlson41 - Google docs does not support everything the sheet is programmed to do, there is a lot of work done in visual basic, and soon the conditional formatting.

Sean, first, thanks so much for shooting that my way so quick! I look forward to playing around with it and will definitely post back if I have any thoughts or ideas.

What I was suggesting was just simply placing it up on Google to share, not as a "live" Google docs file. You have the option when uploading a doc or xls file to convert it to Google Docs format or not. If you just uploaded it as an Excel file, and didn't convert it, then I'd think you could share it as an xls file from there. I gave it a try on my Google account and it worked just fine. You just have to choose to download the original if it does open as a Google Docs document.

Regardless, thanks again!!

Sean, first, thanks so much for shooting that my way so quick! I look forward to playing around with it and will definitely post back if I have any thoughts or ideas.

What I was suggesting was just simply placing it up on Google to share, not as a "live" Google docs file. You have the option when uploading a doc or xls file to convert it to Google Docs format or not. If you just uploaded it as an Excel file, and didn't convert it, then I'd think you could share it as an xls file from there. I gave it a try on my Google account and it worked just fine. You just have to choose to download the original if it does open as a Google Docs document.

Regardless, thanks again!!


Oh okay Lars, I misunderstood you. I'm going to get around to uploading it somewhere eventually. I'd like it to be pretty well finished first though, I think I would lose a lot of the feedback I could be receiving by not communicating with the folks that are trying it. I think it may be all set to go in the near future though.
Update to Version 2.0!!!

Update to Version 2.0!!!

Well everyone I made some time today to put the finishing touches on the adjustable parameters, conditional formatting, and the ability to turn conditional formatting on or off at the click of a button. I am very pleased and excited with the way this has turned out, I hope you all enjoy it was well.

New Features

*Adjustable Parameters - Not everyone runs their tank the same, I've made it possible to set your own parameters.

*Conditional Formatting - Provides at a glance in or out of tolerance viewing by coloring cells. I also added the ability to turn this feature on or off.

Other Changes

*Reduced archive size from 4000 entries to 1000 entries to improve long term performance.

*Miscellaneous cosmetic and functional changes

Here are some screen shots of the new results sheet

Conditional Formatting Off

All you have to do for adjusting the parameters is type in the number you want, I have my temp set From 77 To 82, if I wanted to run my tank a little cooler all I would need to do is replace the 77 with whatever number I choose, It works the same with all the parameters. The graphing is also tied in to the adjustable parameters so you won't miss a beat.

Conditional Formatting On

The small check box above the notes section is what turns the conditional formatting on or off, checked box = on unchecked box = off, it's that easy. Please be aware if you click the archive button while the conditional formatting is on it will copy over colored cells to the archive, if that's how you like it great! If not be sure to turn it off before archiving.

If anyone would like an updated copy please let me know. I need everyone's help to continue to make this better, please leave me your thoughts or any bugs that you may find so I can fix and improve. Thanks

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I also would like a copy, as i am starting a new tank this week. Many thanks.

Thank you!

Can I please get a copy as well?

Sent out a brand spanking new copy to you guys, enjoy

I'd love a new copy Sean! Thanks again, and regarding the Google Docs idea, no problem. Just a suggestion to help you sometime so you don't have to email it constantly.

Great work!

I re-sent yesterdays group the new version, didn't want you guys to feel left out.
