Update to Version 2.0!!!
Update to Version 2.0!!!
Well everyone I made some time today to put the finishing touches on the adjustable parameters, conditional formatting, and the ability to turn conditional formatting on or off at the click of a button. I am very pleased and excited with the way this has turned out, I hope you all enjoy it was well.
New Features
*Adjustable Parameters - Not everyone runs their tank the same, I've made it possible to set your own parameters.
*Conditional Formatting - Provides at a glance in or out of tolerance viewing by coloring cells. I also added the ability to turn this feature on or off.
Other Changes
*Reduced archive size from 4000 entries to 1000 entries to improve long term performance.
*Miscellaneous cosmetic and functional changes
Here are some screen shots of the new results sheet
Conditional Formatting Off
All you have to do for adjusting the parameters is type in the number you want, I have my temp set From 77 To 82, if I wanted to run my tank a little cooler all I would need to do is replace the 77 with whatever number I choose, It works the same with all the parameters. The graphing is also tied in to the adjustable parameters so you won't miss a beat.
Conditional Formatting On
The small check box above the notes section is what turns the conditional formatting on or off, checked box = on unchecked box = off, it's that easy. Please be aware if you click the archive button while the conditional formatting is on it will copy over colored cells to the archive, if that's how you like it great! If not be sure to turn it off before archiving.
If anyone would like an updated copy please let me know. I need everyone's help to continue to make this better, please leave me your thoughts or any bugs that you may find so I can fix and improve. Thanks