Aquarium Log Sheet

Here are some shots of what the sheet looks like folks.

Log Sheet Features

*Adjustable Parameters - Not everyone runs their tank the same, set your own parameters.

*Conditional Formatting - Provides at a glance in or out of tolerance viewing by coloring cells, with the added the ability to turn this feature on or off.

*One Button Archiving - Send recent results to your archive with the click of a button.

*Equipment Tracking - Stay on top of your maintenance schedule by tracking replaceable media and parts, and keep track of how long your equipment has been online.

*Livestock Tracking - Keep an inventory of all your tanks inhabitants.

*Calculators - Links to chemistry and volume calculators.

Here are some screen shots of the sheet

Conditional Formatting Off

All you have to do for adjusting the parameters is type in the number you want, I have my temp set From 77 To 82, if I wanted to run my tank a little cooler all I would need to do is replace the 77 with whatever number I choose, It works the same with all the parameters. The graphing is also tied in to the adjustable parameters so you won't miss a beat.

Conditional Formatting On

The small check box above the notes section is what turns the conditional formatting on or off, checked box = on unchecked box = off, it's that easy. Please be aware if you click the archive button while the conditional formatting is on it will copy over colored cells to the archive, if that's how you like it great! If not be sure to turn it off before archiving.

Graphing Feature

All parameters are graphed automatically based on your input. Graphing can also be switched from viewing current results to viewing archived results with the click of the buttons on the graph pages.

Equipment Tracking

For parts tracking you'll enter the date you changed said equipment and in how many days you would like to change it again, the sheet does the math for you and calculates the next change date, as well as counts down the days for you. When the countdown has reached 10 or less days it will highlight yellow, when it has reached 0 you will get the change notification.

For equipment tracking you'll enter the date you put said equipment on your tank, the sheet will do the math for you and display how long that equipment has been online.

I hope you all find this to be useful, please don't hesitate to ask any questions about the sheet or it's use, I'll be more than happy to answer.

Comments and ideas for possible additions are also welcome.

The sheet is available for download by clicking the huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download My Aquarium Log Here

A big thank you to firstlight10 for adapting the sheet to open office for those that do not have excel. The sheet loses macro functionality (click-able buttons for auto archive, etc.) in open office, but the other features still work, thanks again firstlight.

Open office version of the sheet is available for download by clicking this huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download Open Office Version Here

Changing the yellow highlighted range

Changing the yellow highlighted range

Wow, this is truely great work. I've been using this for the past few weeks now and it does just about everything I need it to.

I'm just wondering if there's a way to specify the range for the yellow highlighting when the parameters a close to the target range. I get how to change the target range (green cells) and that works perfectly, but for a couple of parameters I'd like to expand the "close but not perfect" range. Is that possible?

Wow, this is truely great work. I've been using this for the past few weeks now and it does just about everything I need it to.

I'm just wondering if there's a way to specify the range for the yellow highlighting when the parameters a close to the target range. I get how to change the target range (green cells) and that works perfectly, but for a couple of parameters I'd like to expand the "close but not perfect" range. Is that possible?


It is possible. You'll have to adjust the rules for the conditional formatting on the cells you want to expand your "close to but not perfect" range. If you need help with getting it done let me know.
This is a aquarium log I received from a fellow RC member, I updated a lot of things and felt it was nice enough to share with everyone. I hope you all enjoy it.

Test Results Sheet

Graphing Feature

This Log uses macros for functionality and they must be enabled to utilize the log.

Key Features
Complete test array logging
1 button archive feature
1 button clear feature
Graphs for every test
Ability to view graph from current results or archive with the click of a button
Printable blank sheet for field testing

Big Thank you to thegrun for the base of this log. If anyone would like to get a copy you can post or pm me an email address.

If anyone can think of some other features they would like to see added let me know and I'll try to add them.

Hi Sean,

Me too please

Here are some shots of what the sheet looks like folks.

Log Sheet Features

*Adjustable Parameters - Not everyone runs their tank the same, set your own parameters.

*Conditional Formatting - Provides at a glance in or out of tolerance viewing by coloring cells, with the added the ability to turn this feature on or off.

*One Button Archiving - Send recent results to your archive with the click of a button.

*Equipment Tracking - Stay on top of your maintenance schedule by tracking replaceable media and parts, and keep track of how long your equipment has been online.

*Livestock Tracking - Keep an inventory of all your tanks inhabitants.

*Calculators - Links to chemistry and volume calculators.

Here are some screen shots of the sheet

Conditional Formatting Off

All you have to do for adjusting the parameters is type in the number you want, I have my temp set From 77 To 82, if I wanted to run my tank a little cooler all I would need to do is replace the 77 with whatever number I choose, It works the same with all the parameters. The graphing is also tied in to the adjustable parameters so you won't miss a beat.

Conditional Formatting On

The small check box above the notes section is what turns the conditional formatting on or off, checked box = on unchecked box = off, it's that easy. Please be aware if you click the archive button while the conditional formatting is on it will copy over colored cells to the archive, if that's how you like it great! If not be sure to turn it off before archiving.

Graphing Feature

All parameters are graphed automatically based on your input. Graphing can also be switched from viewing current results to viewing archived results with the click of the buttons on the graph pages.

Equipment Tracking

For parts tracking you'll enter the date you changed said equipment and in how many days you would like to change it again, the sheet does the math for you and calculates the next change date, as well as counts down the days for you. When the countdown has reached 10 or less days it will highlight yellow, when it has reached 0 you will get the change notification.

For equipment tracking you'll enter the date you put said equipment on your tank, the sheet will do the math for you and display how long that equipment has been online.

I hope you all find this to be useful, please don't hesitate to ask any questions about the sheet or it's use, I'll be more than happy to answer.

Comments and ideas for possible additions are also welcome.

The sheet is available for download by clicking the huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download My Aquarium Log Here

A big thank you to firstlight10 for adapting the sheet to open office for those that do not have excel. The sheet loses macro functionality (click-able buttons for auto archive, etc.) in open office, but the other features still work, thanks again firstlight.

Open office version of the sheet is available for download by clicking this huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download Open Office Version Here

THis is great advice. Thanks. I've been tracking my stats but this will help me be more organized!

My pleasure

Thanks I am using it. Any updates because I download follow the links.

There have not been any updates in a while. I'll be sure to post here if any updates are made. Here are the links for the sheet.

The sheet is available for download by clicking the huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download My Aquarium Log Here

Open office version for those that do not have excel. The sheet loses macro functionality (click-able buttons for auto archive, etc.) in open office, but the other features still work.

Open office version of the sheet is available for download by clicking this huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download Open Office Version Here

Thanks Sean!! You da man!!!!

Thanks Copperhead

The sheet is available for download by clicking the huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download My Aquarium Log Here

Open office version for those that do not have excel. The sheet loses macro functionality (click-able buttons for auto archive, etc.) in open office, but the other features still work.

Open office version of the sheet is available for download by clicking this huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download Open Office Version Here

I like

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

You did a grteat job on this


Thanks guys I appreciate the comments

The sheet is available for download by clicking the huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download My Aquarium Log Here

Open office version for those that do not have excel. The sheet loses macro functionality (click-able buttons for auto archive, etc.) in open office, but the other features still work.

Open office version of the sheet is available for download by clicking this huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download Open Office Version Here

Is there any way to get this functional on my iPhone? Would love to be able to log it all there. I actually paid for a log app, but it's garbage.
Is there any way to get this functional on my iPhone? Would love to be able to log it all there. I actually paid for a log app, but it's garbage.

An app for iPhone is being worked on but very slowly. Too many other priorities currently. I'll update you guys in this thread as progress is made.
wow this works great

Thanks mikmac

Could you send this to me as well?

thank you!

The sheet is available for download by clicking the huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download My Aquarium Log Here

Open office version for those that do not have excel. The sheet loses macro functionality (click-able buttons for auto archive, etc.) in open office, but the other features still work.

Open office version of the sheet is available for download by clicking this huge blue link, please enjoy it.

Download Open Office Version Here
