Aquascaping, Show your Skills...

Better pic.


Holy wow... that utility bill though. Very nice!
Here's mine. Nothing too fancy, just a lot of large rock pieces interlocked together, with a double arch connecting the two main structures. My wife took the plunge to do it as I hate aquascaping.

Some rock will probably be removed in the future as the corals grow. Might also add a freestanding pillar to the valley of sand.

Sand is Tropic Eden Tonga reef flakes, which I really like.

Tank is 72 x 48 x 30T




No fair you got a mermaid!

Pardon the cloudy water. Just finished this. Tried to incorporate different heights, while adding some flat rock to place sps on. There's a good amount of caverns for the fish to swim through.
Not only is it a bunch of spires but you've left no room for the corals to grow. Ideally the rocks shouldn't go past half height.

My 150. I was looking for height but I feel like in the end it is just a bunch of spires.... ehhhh.

Are you looking to grow coral? If so I agree you'll possibly want to re-do it with somoe thought into where the coral will start, how high they will be able to grow, etc.