Area Reef Shops


New member
Hey guys,
I am going to be vacationing down in O.C. MD and will also be in Baltimore. I'm coming from upstate NY so 81>476>95>1 is the basic route. Is there any must see reef shops? I'm willing to detour. Am really hoping to get a large variety of frags rather than large showpieces.... any suggestions?
Sadly, I would say theres not much worth detouring for in northern DE... BUT depending how you will be going to(from?) Baltimore there are a few--
I would check out Dr macs( pacific east) a little off the beaten path, but you could take rt 50 from OCMD, stop off then go on to anapolis to B-more. well worth it you re looking for the most variety of frags around. I also like exotic aquatics around the 695 loop around B-more. others may have suggestions for Baltimore. I hear there are some really great stores opening up around philly as well that you will be close to... try Big als and the hidden reef, but I havent had a chance to check them out yet...
If your going down by baltimore you gotta check out Exotic Aquatics.. Its alittle north of Baltimore but if your driving down and taking 95 you wont be far from it at all...

They by far have the best display tank iv seen in a fish store.