Pulled Chaeto out a few days ago. Pulled less than the first time, but still probably pulled more than I should have. I figure I pulled out about half of the chaeto this time.
Naturally, it went to the LFS for store credit.
Shortly after I harvested about half the chaeto in the reactor, the feed hose, (connected to a Maxijet 900) popped off the pump, draining the reactor and leaving the chaeto exposed, while the lights were running. This burned a fair amount of the cheato, turning it white and looking like over cooked spaghetti.
This is the second time this has happened, but it appears to be worse this time around. I will be adding a plastic locking hose clamp to the Maxi-jet end of the hose to prevent this from occurring again.
NO3 is at 2.5 ppm, (due to dosing NO3).
PO4 is at 0.00 ppm via Hanna 96713.
I did notice a slight growth of nuisance algae when I first started dosing NO3. However, as time has gone on, the nuisance algae in the tank is looking sickly and brown.
It's just a few days early, but after running the ARID E18 for almost 2 months, (Started April 17th), I have to state that I'm very very happy with the results and how it's working out.
Corals are looking much better and I'm seeing growth in the few acro frags I have. Over all, this is showing itself to be worth the money IMO.