Armor of God - coloring down!


New member
So the AOG frag I got a few weeks ago is starting to coloring down.

All the orange in the pic below is almost gone. They are mid level in a 28 gal cube under 4 month old PC lighting. 75W ( 35 flur, 35 act)


move them up several inches, leave for a couple of weeks to see if they show positive signs of coloring up and happiness.
These were mine when I had them DIRECTLY under my 150w Sunpod and 14k bulb. Approx 8" to 10" under the light fixture and they were still stretching go figure! I love these ones, the heads were thie size of nickels.

Mine liked heavy lighting and med flow.

AOG's are one of the few polyps that no matter what lighting or be it stressed should still retain most of its brightness or typically glowing with glowing color. and doesn't morph much.
These were mine when I had them DIRECTLY under my 150w Sunpod and 14k bulb. Approx 8" to 10" under the light fixture and they were still stretching go figure! I love these ones, the heads were thie size of nickels.

Mine liked heavy lighting and med flow.


The little frag next to your purple and orange zoa's is what i have.. They were given to me in a snail shell super glued inside.. for some reason they have been closed for almost a month.. Seems 3 of the heads have disappeared for whatever reason... There is only 1 head left so i freshwater dipped it 2 days ago for 20 mins... Nothing has changed.. Any help?
The metallic blue looking ones right next to the SPS on the right.. 2nd row from top, 2nd frag from left..
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