Asterina sea stars control?

Yea the stars blend very well. What about Bumble Bee Shrimp (Gnathophyllum americanum) they are supposed to feed on these stars too does anyone have one???

Bizzare coiencidence, I noticed the same problem in my tank a few months back and thought nothing about the little star fish. Then I noticed more and more and more of them, when I saw them en mass on my LR and glass chewing out little divots of coralline I realized I had a problem... cool thing is I get to keep my first Harlequine shrimp, which I purchased the other day. With any luck he/she (its blue) will have a large enough food source to keep it alive for a while, they are a cool specimen.
I had thousands of the little Asterina stars in my 125. I never saw any evidence that they were hurting any of the corals but they definetely wiped the LR clean of all coraline( wish they cleaned the glass :rolleyes: ). After about 6 months they have just about completely died off in my tank, but a thousand brittle stars( the smoothed armed 1" type) have taken over. Not sure if its coincidence or if the brittle stars outcompeted the Asterinas for the food supply.

It has been speculated that there are several types of small stars that look alike but have different diets, which would explain the debate over whether they eat coral polyps or not.
My Harlequin shrimp that I mentioned I added to my system didn't make it through the night! :(

I know shrimp and the like are sensitive to salinity changes but I acclimated for over a day. How hardy are these shrimp supposed to be? Has anyone else had problems keeping them, besides the food source factor?

What are your experiences?
dont cleen your glass for a few days, int the am they will be all over the alge on the glass, just suck them up with a small hose. I did this a few mornings last week and I put a huge dent in them, now I can hardly find one.

Well, I got some bumblebees for mine---they're in there. We'll see if the asterinas decline.