Aussie SPS Cube addiction

Looks great! Lovely colors. The clams are gorgeous too! Is your back pane acrylic? Is that why it's not cleaned?
Looking good! :beer: Let us know how you like the new pump over the coming weeks.

Will do mate. So far I am really pleased with it. looks neat in the tank too. Hopefully they bring out a controller that can be connected to the Apex in the future.

Looks great! Lovely colors. The clams are gorgeous too! Is your back pane acrylic? Is that why it's not cleaned?

Thanks mate. The clams are getting huge. Not sure what I am going to do when they keep growing. The back is black acrylic. I just let the coralline grow. It all died off 3 months ago when I moved house but it's almost covered it back up again.
Was just reviewing your journal mate and have a few questions:

1. Do you run a refugium? - one of the sump photos suggests you run a refugium. If yes, what species of macroalgae are you using?

2. In relation to the two part, which brand of two part are you using?

3. Since you are not using a Calcium Reactor, do you dose any TRACE ELEMENTS along with the two part?

4. Which brand of salt are you using? Or are you using NSW?

Many thanks mate, I am very envious of your overall results. :beer: My tank is doing alright, but not as well as I want it.
Was just reviewing your journal mate and have a few questions:

1. Do you run a refugium? - one of the sump photos suggests you run a refugium. If yes, what species of macroalgae are you using?

2. In relation to the two part, which brand of two part are you using?

3. Since you are not using a Calcium Reactor, do you dose any TRACE ELEMENTS along with the two part?

4. Which brand of salt are you using? Or are you using NSW?

Many thanks mate, I am very envious of your overall results. :beer: My tank is doing alright, but not as well as I want it.

Hey mate,

I do have a small refugium in the sump. I light it 12 hours a day opposite cycle to the display. It has some macro which I am not sure of the name. It has been going well but recently it has started to disappear a by about half. I don't know why. I think my nutrient levels are around the same. Although I have been quite good with my tank husbandry lately.

I Don't dose anything apart from Alk Cal and Mag. Except for half a cap full of acro power every day after lights out. I just do a 10% water change each week.

I am using red sea blue bucket salt. It has a lower KH which is good. I had a big bucket of the pro but the KH is so high. Everytime I did a water change with it I would get a small Alk spike. The blue is much better.

That sucks your tank isn't quite where you want it. It can be so frustrating at times. This is honestly the first time mine has been going great. I don't really know what to attribute it to besides regular maintenance and keeping things pretty stable. Also since I moved house and my PH is much higher it seems to be helping lots.
any videos on the tank with gyre ? what mode were you running when you ran the mp10?

I will take a video in the next few days of the gyre running. I'm waiting for some crushed coral to turn up to replace the sand that was at the front of the tank so I can turn it up a little.

When I had the 2 mp10's I was running in a 6 second pulse mode with anti sync. I liked the flow they put out. And so did the corals. But the noise just annoyed me so much.
I will take a video in the next few days of the gyre running. I'm waiting for some crushed coral to turn up to replace the sand that was at the front of the tank so I can turn it up a little.

When I had the 2 mp10's I was running in a 6 second pulse mode with anti sync. I liked the flow they put out. And so did the corals. But the noise just annoyed me so much.

tried to run this mode on my cube tank, i moved the mp10wes to the top of the corals.
boy, do the corals like the crushing waves. :thumbsup:

Hoping to see the video soon .
Sorry about the late reply. Been super busy as usual. The tank has taken a bit of a back seat but it still going well. Yesterday I had to move one of my clams and to do so I had to remove my frag rack. Anyway I moved the clam and forgot to put the frag rack back into the tank for 2 hours. My poor frags didn't stand a chance. Oh well...

Here is a terrible iPhone video to see the gyre, It doesn't show it very well. And for some reason photobucket has moved it so its sideways and chopped half of it off. Sorry about that
Hey everyone, Not much new to add to the thread except a couple of quick update iPhone photos. Corals are growing well. Enjoy


Very nice tank!
How many fish do you have in there?
I'm surprised that you can sustain macro in a sump and run aio pellets with so little bioload.
Maybe that's why the cheato is slowing down?
That purple pinkish stag is gorgeous!

Thanks mate. It a kind of blue colour but it changed to purple in my tank. It didn't do much for quite a while but has just started to grow nicely. It has ice blue growth tips starting to go in all directions.

Very nice tank!
How many fish do you have in there?
I'm surprised that you can sustain macro in a sump and run aio pellets with so little bioload.
Maybe that's why the cheato is slowing down?

Thanks mate, There is 5 fish, 2 clowns, 2 green chromis, 1 lawnmower blenny. There is also a Coral banded shrimp, A pepp and a piston shrimp.

Yeah the bioload is quite light and the macro is starting to slow down big time. I increased the flow in the reactor recently and it seems to coincide with that. I do have some macro in the display which I'm not sure what its called. But its a pest so I am hoping it dies off too.

The AIO pellets sure do work well.
