Jonathan - robster's got it pegged. I got mine at a LFS, and just bought it by the foot. We used Windex and coated both the back pane of the tank glass and the adhesive surface of the black vinyl material, applied the material, and milked out the bubbles with a credit card. A few minutes later it was stuck. It's 100% uniform in color, of course, and it can be removed as easily as it is applied. Thanks to Brian - great idea, as I didn't want to paint the back of the tank.
cbui - I'll never use any bulkheads other than Haywards - gives me piece of mind. They are solid!
GMFett - Dinner and brews were my pleasure, I'll have to have you over again when we're not in such a hurry. Thanks again for your help!
Reef Man - Yes, the 1.5" hole outside the overflow box is the drain for the closed loop. Here's the hole diagram again. The four 1" holes in front are CL returns. The overflow box contains four holes. Two 1.5" holes in the center of the overflow are the drains to the sump, the 3/4" hole is the chiller return, and the 1" hole is the sump return.
erics3000 - Thanks, glad you like it. Hopefully it will eventually stand up to the other rimless tanks out there.
robster - :thumbsup: